Prior to joining TheBiography in December 2020, he was an entertainment reporter in People. Creator Kevin Burns (developed for television by) Stars Matty Blake Robert Clotworthy Marty Lagina See production, box office & company info Watch on History Reality TV has expanded as a genre over the last decade. This finding has led the team to believe that the pit containing that much silver is the biggest clue that the resolution of the mystery is finally coming. They are absolutely convinced that the recent findings are meaningful and they have proven something significant and extraordinary happened on the island many years ago. During their operations around what they hope is a tunnel to get to the place where the treasure is apparently hidden, the Lagina brothers found a centuries-old tar kiln, remains of iron, and landmarks which point out that whatever is in it is clearly human-made. But they felt really hard because the pit contained flat stones and logs. And yes, theyd probably have coconuts and some silver on their boats. Get exclusive videos, pictures, bios and check out more of your favorite moments from seasons past. While newly discovered targets off the shore of Oak Island lead the team to believe there was a possible shipwreck, in the Money Pit, the fellowship is uncovering evidence that famed treasure hunter Robert Dunfield missed. While the possibilities of a show not being renewed are always present, its probable that a ninth season of The Curse Of Oak Island will most-likely air sooner than later on History Channel. Compartir. He shows Rick and Marty the 1957 Robbie is currently a reporter for TheBiography based in Santa Monica, CA. ", Why Archeologists Are Leaving The Curse Of Oak Island. Lots and lots of dad jokes, to be exact, like the time he posted a black-and-white photo of him in bed with one of his metal detectors, captioning it, "Last night I had a dream I detected a gold nugget less than a thousandth of a gram. The troublesome island has wrought misfortune, injury, and even death on many visitors . The Curse of Oak Island on the History channel first debuted back in January 2014 to take a look into one of the most persistent mysteries surrounding the body of land located in Chester, Canada.. I have seen many of the tv series. That seems to be the prevalent question. Eventually oil will be struck on that site. Some believe that with the help of some Europeans, the Incas and Mayas managed to bury the treasure. Some of these findings are materials such as copper, iron, coconut fiber and granite. But all of them lose consciousness and drown. Recent scientific evidence confirms whats really there. It is currently privately owned. As a result, just as filming on the most recent episode neared its end, archeologists Mirium Amirault, Liz Michaels, and Helen Sheldon were gathered together and given the news. From the commission of the show's second season, it was pretty evident that the History channel was high on the show and the work both the Lagina brothers along with the production team were doing. Regardless of who else joins the Oak Island team or which entity lends its equipment and cash to the treasure hunting project, two men will always be the heart and soul of it all: Rick and Marty Lagina. (USGS Gold prospecting map Survey), Exploring an Abandoned Quartz Mine in Hemet, CA. The Curse of Oak Island He is one of the members of The Curse of Oak Island crew, a reality TV series that features the Oak Island mystery (unexplained objects and buried treasure found on Oak Island in Nova Scotia). They are real people in a real place searching for real gold, jewels,. Have the Lagina brothers changed a bit since the series began? The latest excavators have brought its mysterious allure to millions of viewers worldwide with their documentary show on the History Channel and the 220-year Oak Island mystery solved. If you're getting Oak Island withdrawal, however, fret not. (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({}); In the middle of their excitement at finding such promising evidence, the Lagina brothers engineering team decided to excavate further into the swamp. He's got merchandise featuring his favorite catchphrases like "Holy Shamoly" and "Top Pocket Find." Its interesting. The Curse of Oak Island. The secrets of an island in Nova Scotia may be uncovered with the help of a B.C. I just wish the brothers had given me that money instead! ingots were in transport, but the Spanish had set a trap. Catch up on season 2 of Beyond Oak Island, only on The HISTORY Channel. Later in 2013, and after almost ten years of exploring the place without finding anything, the Lagina brothers were contacted by the production company Prometheus Entertainment, which wanted to create a show for History channel, following the brothers operations on the island. Kim Sheerin. Episode after episode, they employ different methods to hopefully get one step closer to their goal, though they don't always make the headline-grabbing discoveries they're searching for. His guides range in topic, from a "Beginner's Guide to Beach Hunting," a "Hardcore Beach Hunting Guide," a "Jewelry Hunting" guide, and a few manuals on how to use the expensive metal detector equipment that is featured on the show. Matthew Ginsburg. It's clear that Drayton has a passion for what he does. The first episode premiered on Tuesday November 17 at 10PM EST on the History Channel. In Nova Scotia, Canada lies one of the most highly-sought after secrets of all time: Oak Island and its mythical treasure. He has heard the story of sailors from the crew of the infamous Scottish pirate, Captain Kidd, who supposedly buried treasure from the looting in the surrounding area. The bauble is an impressive 22-karat Incan gold ring with nine flawlessly cut emeralds and keep in mind, this is from a time when jewelers had to cut precious stones and mold precious metals by hand. They found a stone inscribed with symbols but the explorers were not able to read it. To prove it, by the time the shows eighth season ended in mid-2021, the islands mystery hadnt been solved, but left viewers with many open questions and unsolved theories. Reality series The Curse Of Oak Island attempts to unearth the mysterious isle's secrets. Aaaaaa.theyre in their 8th season now. Oak Island treasure may in fact be the Ark of the Covenant, the old testament artifact that contains stone tablets on which the bibles ten commandments were written. He was checking on an eight-meter-shaft and was overcome by fumes and topples to the water-filled bottom. If you see the island, there is nothing special, but if you dig deeper youll find more than 50 books written about it. "Scientists stated it was all Natural, nothing man-made" Right. Stop kicking it. As you might already know the ninth season of the series concluded in May, 2022 with 25 episodes. I was like 0mg." Its all too ridiculous to continue. The networks all-original programming slate features a roster of hit series, premium documentaries, and scripted event programming. Scientist cant see past the tip of a pointer stick and solve very few MYSTERIES. Even if McGinnis never found anything more than a suspicious-looking hole in the Oak Islands ground, he started what would become the biggest and longest treasure hunt of the last two centuries. For now, that seems to be enough reason to keep watching the show, besides the obvious excitement that watching people searching for an ancient treasure inherently entails. they might find something, a storm rolls in. H From a "money pit" 100 feet deep to Shakespearean manuscripts, the legendary finds on Oak Island have kept it in the news for centuries. Thats whats driven people to continuously visit Oak Island, a ridiculously tiny island just off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada. All searches since then would have been futile. He has heard the story of sailors from the crew of the infamous Scottish pirate. Does Oak Island sound exciting enough to visit? Armed with technology and knowledge and with the sons of the former treasure hunters on the island, the most important update has now emerged since the series began. Christian knows his pirate history! [1] The program features the Oak Island mystery. Season 10 Episode 15. Robert Restall and his son were at the forefront of Oak Island's deepest corners before losing their lives in an accident. The Oak Island team, with Marty Lagina and Craig Tester in attendance via Skype, meet in the War Room. This small island in the North Atlantic has been the focus of both documented historical finds and wild rumors about fabulous but ingeniously hidden wealth for over 200 years. The real treasure on Oak Island is the history itself. For over two centuries, teams of searchers, including Franklin D. Roosevelt, have attempted to crack the code . In 1803, after getting to know about the three boys, a wealthy Nova Scotian called Simeon Lynds joined them to form a treasured company. And perhaps this could be where things were hidden for a time then recovered explaining why nothing is there nowHello? He was checking on an eight-meter-shaft and was overcome by fumes and topples to the water-filled bottom. ! Ive followed the Oak Island story from the beginning. Your narrative is too slighted and incorrect! The History Channel's "Beyond Oak Island" recorded an episode about the 1715 Treasure Fleet a few months ago in Indian River County, staying and filming at Capt. Charlie P. (NY) is correct. Catch up on season 9 of The Curse of Oak Island, only on The HISTORY Channel. ? NEARLY EVERY STATEMENT YOU MADE ISNT TRUE!! In this vid were going cover all the updates regarding the Oak Island mystery, and if the Lagina brothers ever found the legendary Money Pit, so keep with us to discover all! Apparently it was also common for these boats to get beached and sink, vertically, over time. Some people believe that there is Captain Kidds treasure. These brothers apparently never grew out of this faze in their young. So in the next year, Lynds hired miners. Or are there only artifacts to speak of on Oak Island, remnants of past lives that hold great historical significance, but aren't the blingtacular goodness that most folks are tuning in for? Some people who have gone in search have lost their lives. The amount of discoveries stunned them and the viewers. YouTube should remove you! The only thing this farce was missing was Geraldo Rivera. They spent many years and spent millions of dollars to provide new historical data. Word on the street is that the island plays host to some buried treasure, the kind that would make you a one-percenter overnight. This lake has its dangers, of course. I wish that the video was in any way reflective of it. pity Richest doesnt pay attention treasure has been found several times and the wealth of history being learned is priceless, Worst show ever? And it remained constant for days. There are lots of shows on The Discovery Channel (some good, some not . And that's just a small fraction of the treasure he's unearthed over the years. They are real people in a real place searching for real gold, jewels, and artifacts which could make them very rich and possibly rewrite history as we know it. 2 Episodes 2017. Since the 1700s, throngs of adventurers have traveled to the area and have scoured the watery depths around the island in search of what happened to the lost treasure that was supposedly buried there. Regardless of the fact their treasure hunt has been unsuccessful so far, the same cant be said when it comes to the shows ratings. Its for this reason that there are some companies which offer guided tours through it, the most prominent of these might be Oak Island Tours Inc, a company owned and founded by the Lagina brothers, and interestingly enough, also holds a big part of the islands ownership. Excellent title. Just as important, a clearly ancient brooch, bindings of a leather book, several coins which date back to the 1600s and supposedly belonged to the Templars have been found during the Laginas explorations in the island. There is a historic legend asserts that seven people need to die before the islands treasure can be found. He's also an avid dog lover and admits to FaceTiming with his pit bullwhile traveling for work. The fictional Beyond Oak island show has scripted fictional story lines involving other places. He was digging for a chest that was supposed to be buried by Captain Kidd but found an old plank that had carvings of the initials W.K. After successfully unearthing a ship's railing, the teams' swamp excavation comes to a halt due to a large object blocking any further searching, in this cli. For those not up to speed with treasure-hunting lore, Oak Island is a small . , Spoiler alert, the Rick and MortyVagina brothers dont find anything, hope nobody wasted 6 years of your life watching this, not even real explorers just paid actors. searching for real gold, jewels, and artifacts. Along with the helpers, Roberts son Bobbie dashes into the pit to help. The Mystery of Oak Island solved? With nine seasons, they are in a constant search for treasure. Excited about the history, research, and prospects of this Cookies help us deliver our Services. After nearly two centuries of excavations, it seems that they have made the most headway out of all the Treasure Hunters. The Curse of Oak Island 2020 Season Finale - Warning Spoiler Alert - Watch Online Biggest Find Yet!Watch Online#oakisland #historychannel #history #thecurseo. via JustWatch. No treasure, as it was recovered long ago, That was 10 minutes of my life I will never get back, The didnt flood the hole with water they hit a boobytrap. It Seems Like Everyone Was Obsessed With HQ Trivia at Some Point so What Happened to It? Meanwhile, his brother Marty is more driven by the supposed treasure itself. Then others went looking and found the traces of previous digs and assumed that was from whomever buried the treasure in the first place., Curse of Oak Island (@CurseOfOak) April 20, 2021. Rumor has it that in Season 72, sometime long after Im dead, the Laginas are actually gonna dig you know the money pit. The Curse of Oak Island is a multi-season reality television series that chronicles an eclectic team of treasure hunters and their search for legendary treasure on Oak Island, [1] off the shore of Nova Scotia, Canada. Building onto this point, Reddit user Myscoreforme commented, "it's about business and TV making now. The mud is deep on the bottom, and just as Scientists Confirm the Oak Island Mystery Is Solved (2020) Facts Verse 9.03M subscribers Join Subscribe 22K 2M views 3 years ago Are you a fan of the history channel show, The Curse of Oak. What Is The Curse Of Oak Island Really About? The Money Pit. But the main treasure is not yet found. In fact, the story of how people came to assume theres a Money Pit in the area dates back to the late 1790s, when a man named Daniel McGinnis found an indentation in a certain part of the island, and along with other two people, excavated as deep as 30 feet before abandoning the operations. The wooden planks apparently matched the proportions of known viking vessels at the time cross-dated. It suggests that the Island is actually a bank of pirates and that each group digs tunnels off the money pit and buries their treasure. What happened to Jeff and Lance on Moonshiners? But the team doesn't look like they're going to back off any time soon. "I think Rick just feels bad a lot of the time now and that's reading as disinterest on TV," they write, mentioning that "Marty is just chipper this season because the pandemic sucks and it must be nice just to be out doing Oak Island stuff.". But that's not all he's unearthed over years. They uncovered layers of tropical coconut fiber, ships putty, and charcoal along with a stone cut with curious symbols. Starting off with only five episodes for its first season, the show got 10 for its second, 13 for its third, 16 for its fourth, 19 for its fifth, and a whopping 23 for its sixth season. In the world of reality television, there's a lot of similarity . And some interesting artifacts have been unearthed. Maybe they can help them in their search from the insights learned from their own pursuit of the Money Pit. Although so far an announcement regarding another seasons premiere hasnt been made, the fact that the network has claimed the show as one of its highest rated series hints that they most likely dont want it to end just yet. Also join us in the Facebook Group: Beyond Oak Island Treasures for more discussions. During The Curse Of Oak Islands eighth season, the exploration team extensively analyzed the excavations adjacent areas, discovering through the data that a large amount of silver was detected under the ground. Incredible Story of Missing Treasure in California that has never been found! Kevin Burns. Will Curse of Oak Island be back in 2022? The two brothers are strongly interested in the hidden and mysterious Island from the very beginning. That obviously doesn't include taxes and shipping costs, assuming you don't have a local book store that has his guides in stock. I think that way back when the depression under the oak tree was found, whatever treasure there may have been was ALREADY GONE. There, Gary Drayton announces that he had the red jewel unearthed on Oak Island's Lot 8 in Season 5, Episode 16 analyzed by a gemologist- an expert in the study of gemstones. Back in 2019, Duluth News Tribune stated it was the series that refused to end, in regards to its slow pace and apparent lack of development. Premium. The next day he came back with two other boys, Anthony Vaughan and John Smith. From time to time random coin artifacts have been found and so it proves that the island truly holds a big price. Regardless that no treasure has been found, the Laginas have uncovered enough evidence to believe that the pit is human made, and as such, that the treasure legend is real. This guy is behind the times. What happened to Matty on Oak Island? Joy Steele, in her book, The Oak Island Mystery Solved, has provided an interesting idea. Will The Show Be Renewed For A Ninth Season? Although another theory states that McGinnis was a teen when he discovered the apparent Money Pits entry, if theres something for sure its not only that his discovery was important enough to be documented, but at that time the treasure legend was already believed to be true. Holes with oak logs every 10 feet down and containing coconut fibers and beaches covered with palm fibers are all over the place here in Canada. Until this date, 6 people have lost their lives in search of the treasure, over a period of nearly 100 years. Why Did Dr. Aaron Taylor Leave "The Curse Of Oak Island"? Some believe Marie Antoinettes jewels can also be found, and they cost her life. The treasure hunters poured $1.5 million into the Money Pit, but no one has reached the bottom even after more than 20 attempts. [2] [3] [4] As of November 20, 2022, 166 episodes of The Curse of Oak Island have aired. However, in the years since they became television celebrities, their demeanors have drastically shifted. The one familiar with the history channel series The Curse of Oak Island will know about the mystery well. The Curse of Oak Island: Your questions answered. So it proves that the Island plays host to some buried treasure, over a period nearly. Story from the very beginning meet in the world of reality television, there & # x27 ; s.. Her book, the Oak Island be back in 2022 from their own pursuit of treasure..., fret not isle & # x27 ; s secrets the traces of previous digs and assumed was. Recovered explaining why nothing is there nowHello the treasure, over time came back with two other boys Anthony! Kind that would make you a one-percenter overnight that money instead continuously visit Oak Island withdrawal however. 'S about business and TV making now are in a constant search for treasure they are people. Reality television, there & # x27 ; s secrets reporter for based! 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