It's good to be prepared just in case. Without going into too much detail, I want to know if other kids do or have done this as well. I can offer two theories about why you may have deliberately soiled yourself when you were upset or embarrassed, although neither of them applied to me. No one suspected anything during the party, but when we got in the small bus my friends aunt asked if someone had soiled their underwear. task and my mother decided that I would need a bath. It was so embarassing to still be doing it in junior high and having to wear pull ups to school. hm. That may end up in evacuation of bowel actions.. I was almost 13 by the time I finally stopped pooping my pants. This might be a medical condition and not an "attention" or power struggle. My teacher saw me walking funny and jokingly asked if I had made a load in my pants. Your honesty and candor, James, on such a painful memory is much appreciated. The fairly small back garden had no grass, few flowers and mostly I did not find pooey pants particularly uncomfortable physically as I got used to the feeling of them, and being discovered brought a sense of dread more than relief, as I knew that I was about to be told off and suffer the humiliation of being changed like a toddler. I felt that way too. Numerous runners in apply or in regional competitors have undoubtedly skilled the wrath of the Gingerbread Man. I just couldn't risk pooping myself in boxers and having it fall out. I think kids with encopresis often have great imaginations maybe connected.I read a great book called ADD The Edison Gene. Show more Show more Master. Of course, the whole world knows now! rule out the medical first then go from there. The medication my mother gave me and washing my own underwear made that a lot easier. I think there was some connection between the two, but more from the ridicule and embarrassment of being known for sucking my thumb. I'm sorry to hear that. I wonder if maybe she did it once as an accident then felt your reaction and continued to do she testing and pushing limits in other ways??? In this blog he attempts to offer a child's view of encopresis (children messing their pants when they are past potty training age) It was the same a few days later when we went to a zoo, where we spent most of the day. It seems that we were similar in a lot of ways, I started soiling because I thought that I could make the feeling of needing to poo go away without going to the toilet. As a bed wetter, I wore cloth training pants with plastic pants to bed most nights, but on Friday and Saturday nights, I wore an actual disposable diaper to bed, as I stayed up later, got more tired, and thus was more . Similar to the time you did it on purpose, so did I but not just once. I dont remember what I said to her, but it couldnt have been very convincing because she said something like. We sat near the front, which meant that everyone who got on smelt me, On average, how much poo was in your pants? Try this 12 min instant ramen with an EGG, 55 Top Sci-Fi and Fantasy Book Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021, 3 Ways to Schedule Text Messages iPhone [Shortcuts Automation]. I am pooped in my pants at my workplaces gym two times. Instead I would have tried to hold it in, probably soiling myself at the BBQ later, whereas you decided to do it in your pants, just as you had done many times in the past.You said before that your poop didn't have too much smell, so hopefully nobody found out what you'd done. afternoon. She's doing it for control and attention. You can have your shame, just don't eat it too. - i.e. Just hang in there & be kind when dealing with this. Poop left very minimal stains to a few machines benchs through my sweats and I wiped them before leave gym.I believe that I will not poop in my pants at my workplaces gym more than one time per year because of very big risk. to go back inside the house where my mother and grandmother were talking I The tension caused by the turd pushing against the underwear is a feeling that I can't Continue Reading Dylan Jones 1 y The idea of peeing myself was the only bad decision I didnt make that day concerning my bodily functions. Most of my first day of high school was spent with a load in my underwear, which was rather crushing at the time. When I reached my teens that happened a lot, especially on the weekends so I often spent quite a lot of the day wearing soiled underwear. It seems like a strange decision but at the time it made me feel like I had control. Finding out someone else not only had the same problem, they still did make me feel fantastic. Hi Anonymous, Thats a feeling I can I understand.As I got older, I was very aware no one else was pooing in their pants as often as me. Curse yourself. My daughter recently turned 5 and has been potty trained since she was 2 1/2 & fully trained thru the night by 3 1/2. is a free online quiz making tool. I always denied in class and at home that Id had an accident and regularly had my pants pulled down / waistband pulled back to check. It's a bit like an older child sucking their thumb, but rather more extreme. I pooped in my pants frequently from age 5 all the way up to 14. How none of us noticed or smelled it is beyond me but it happened. I avoided school toilets until I was 7 and sometimes walked home in slightly, or in one case rather more than slightly, messy pants. She almost full on crapped in her underwear and then sat in it for 3 hrs. The shortage of blood circulation to the intestinal system could cause lots of disruptions to regular operate. Indeed, as I wrote in another post, just seeing a little girl in my nursery class being changed out of messy underwear made me feel better about myself for a short time.I'm intrigued to know what happened on this holiday you mention, especially as my final, and most embarrassing accident, happened on a holiday when I was 11. my mother was quickly alerted to what I had done. I was twenty one years old. I shared all that shyness and anxiousness as a little kid at school. I am curious that your mother carried on changing you until you were 13. "in a loud voice. Even if I had wanted I often wet myself a bit from waiting too long or being too embarrassed to ask. I think I would let her know you are PO'd, she is NOT acting like a big girl so she loses whatever her big girl privileges are, and she is gonna have to clean it up and/or lose her underwear. Hi Anonymous,Cleaning up was my responsibility and that also applied to washing my underwear. hey check my profile out and read all my posts. I definitely didn't like using the toilets at school but I'm not sure exactly where that fear started. Then we put her and her 3 yr old sister in a bath and she pooped a small amount, knew about it and waited til I found it and then looked at me like I was crazy for getting pissed. One is that is was about control. This is . This has been proven to stimulate the need to go #2. Hi Anonymous, Being part of a support group and knowing you were not the only one with the problem must have been great. "No one Poop" learn the opposite, held aloft by a toddler. Sorry you still have occasional accidents and I hope that you are able to cope with these. Additionally Id had issues throughout year 7 with pooping my bedtime nappy and, again, out of ease (and frustration) in a morning my Mum would change me. It was during that walk home I made the very conscious decision to get good at keeping it secret. When it's backed up TOO much, the poop leaks out and it can be a messy incident. Also Jason,What was your worst incident where you thought you'd be found out? discovered. Then made some awful comments about me being too old and doing it on purpose, so I would have to sit and suffer in pooed pants all day. then i would take my hands out of pants (normally there would be some poo on my fingers so i would get a tissue and wipe it off. No, I did not tell my Mum when I pooed in the toilet, and I do not think she would have celebrated the fact if I had. Good luck! A brother and a Sister returns from a mall as they return they get experimental with one another and it gets messy underwear pantypoop messing +6 more # 9 The Abnormal Adventures of Taylor by <3 49.9K 130 2 Our sweet, beautiful and abdl protagonist, Taylor Miller, goes on many adventures that indulge her love for abdl-ism. Whatever you decide to do, make sure to do it quietly and without attention because she is definitely feeding off the reaction. Later that night we spent hours driving around in the same bus looking and stopping at Christmas lights. I'm not sure that anyone outside my family knew that I had frequent poo accidents. I Poop My Pants On Purpose bornkiller Administrator In your girlfriends snatch January 2013 edited January 2013 in Spurious Generalities The comments kinda explain it. 1) Some days it would be worse than others but either way I would just stay like that till hometime, praying that no-one would say anything!The same would apply when I was out with my mum, any soiling would be small bits at a time that wouldn't require immediate intervention, apart from one incident when I pooed myself in a supermarket - I tied my jumper around my waist to conceal it! Everything was ok for the first couple of day until I realized I was very constipated and no matter how hard I tried nothing came out. 1:50. We were just some young guys united by the fact that we pooped our pants. At the time my 13-year-old brain though my explanation sounded good but when I think about it now it would have been completely implausible. She's not an adult. Neither of us cared about having soiled underwear even if we were like that the whole day. If you're not diligent about getting them to use the bathroom when they need to go, they may think it's okay just to go in their pants. normally what would happen is, i would get the urge to go for a poo so i would withold. Why CARL DE SOUZA/AFP through Getty Photographs. Understandably, you feel embarrassed. I was still doing it when I moved out of home to share a house with some friends. Washing my underwear, myself didnt bother me and there was no support to stop so I did it all the way through high school. As your parents and society at large expected you to use the toilet, you chose to go in your pants instead.The other theory I have heard of is the idea of comfort soiling. But many kids beyond the age of toilet teaching (generally older than 4 years) who soil their underwear have a condition known as encopresis (en-kah-PREE-sis). It was so embaraasing! It has not been easy to write about this, as it is Was I able to make some moral distinction between an accident and a sin? Thats when bother begins brewing. a low-fiber diet. Dixie*, 21. Your school experiences sound awful, particularly that day with the supply teacher in Year 6. Only really bad incident I remember was in year 6 when we had a supply teacher. )I relaxed a bit too much and lost control, thankfully I didn't go all the way. Try not to pay too much attention to it - just clean it up and don't make a fuss about it. Yes. I found the cleaning up process highly embarrassing when I finally had to pull my dirty pants down so I was quite happy it being put off till bedtime and being left to my own devices in the meantime. Since my pants were already a mess, I thought, why not just finish the job? I loved the long summer did not think for one second of using it. She lived in a Victorian terraced house, PEPPA PIG POO POOPS HER PANTS!!!! Diaper Lover. However I poop my diaper quite often and this is always on purpose and I love doing it because it feels amazing. I thought moving into my own place was going to help but it only made it worse for a while. bornkiller Spinster wrote: If she's having a problem, my approach should also open the possibility of her talking to you - "But Mom, it's NOT my choice! Once I finally mastered keeping my underwear clean, I began to feel very confident and was quite proud of myself. I didn't have wetting accidents as a child and I'm sure I would not have enjoyed the feeling of pee pouring down my legs in addition to the constant feeling of soiled pants. I also had an amazing imagination. it was pretty embarassing walking through the hallways at 13, 14 or even 15 and all of a sudden,there's a load in your underpants or pull up. We answer your top questions about the flu vaccine. Like me my friends were impatient, so taking too long meant catching up with them, wherever we were going. My parents thought I was lazy or doing it on purpose and going to great lengths to hide it only confirmed their belief. I was always extremally constipated and avoided using the toilets at school or when I was out somewhere. He really couldn't help it. It made a big smell and people noticed, but probably thought it was a fart and didn't know who did it. Anytime I encounter "evidence", I just show them to her, tell her I don't clean up poop, then throw them away. In my case, I didn't get into the habit of deliberately soiling myself, but I did get into the habit of withholding my poo from the age of 3, which it took me years to get out of. Like usual it was extremely firm but keeping it secret was going to be a challenge. how many other people apart from your mum and family knew about your poo problem? I remembered a day when he was just sitting in the corner on the gym floor by himself and didn't seem to want to join the other boys, and there was a distinctly foul smell surrounding him. Jody, your post and all its comments are a truly useful resource of thoughts on the subject and I hope you will all be able to look back at this poo dilemma as a "brief moment . underwear he would sometimes just do the rest in his pants. You need to let it go. Very odd stuff to say the least. No one Poop learn the opposite, held aloft by a toddler. That meant they would start to come out by themselves and it also didnt hurt. She gave me medication that eliminated most of the odour and made me do my own washing. It takes at least 3 weeks to get them back to normal, and if they're not getting enough fiber, it can act up. It came as quite a shock many years later to find out that I wasn't.It was great that you found a teacher would was understanding and wasn't judgemental, and that she was determined to help you. In the beginning I think it was a way of relieving my anxiety but then became a routine. I had an accessible toilet. Only babies, old people, Michael Moore, Internet trolls, and Jersey Shore cast members doodoo in their drawers. When the new teacher first began to question me, I had become very defensive but fortunately she persisted. I have often thought how great it would have been as a child if I'd had a friend, boy or girl, who also had toilet issues whom I could have played with without fear of being teased or laughed at if I'd had an accident. i was always going to the toilet in my underwear usually on the way home from school and being to busy to stop playing. Here are some reasons why some children soil their pants: Some kids may purposely poop in their pants because, all of a sudden, they don't feel like using a potty. When we got in the bus and I sat on my seat it was instantly clear how big the load was. When You Poop Your Pants As An Adult. The historical past of marathoning is plagued by these fecal footnotes. I was used to doing it, and good at keeping it secret, but as the load pushed into my underwear, I was surprised how big it was. hi james the blog is soo useful! And if you're going to yell at her, of COURSE she's going to deny/pretend. deserved the scolding I received. The thing I liked to do the most was exploring around the estate we lived in where there was always something interesting. most of the time there were smears of poo often known as skid marks. I was also extremely shy so putting my hand up and asking to go to the toilet was far to embarrassing. Step 2: Shit Show Shame. i was the same as you, but i didn't get to wear pull ups to school only wore them to bed. You were lucky to meet a former enco kid, who was willing to share her experiences with you and use them to help you. When it's backed up TOO much, the poop leaks out and it can be a messy incident. But, apart from the day recounted above, I wouldn't deliberately poo in my pants, to my younger self this would have been just too naughty and I hated the moment when I knew that I had pooed myself, I wouldn't make it happen on purpose. she asked me, holding up my pants in front of me. You had found a solution to your problem which made sense to you, even if other people would probably find it disgusting. Trending Taraka Ratna. My cheeks burned and I sweated with embarrassment, but I said no. When it did I just made an excuse and went home before anyone noticed, that worked until I was at a friends birthday party. This would lead to suggestions that Id done it again in my pants and lead to being changed anyway. Worth asking your doctor. ), Help with Potty Trained 3.5 Yo Girl That Suddenly Is Having "Accidents". It must have been a few days since I had used the (and 2 more) 1 reply. I dont remember when that started but it was from a young age and I didnt mind doing it. Fortunately for me she was very persistent and determined my underwear were going to stay clean all day. 15 "I Pooped My Pants As An Adult" Stories Guaranteed To Make You Laugh. No one seemed to realize and keeping it that way was my new challenge. I can recall at home and school various occasions when I was encouraged to change myself, but these werent particularly successful as I didnt clean properly. *Poops pants* Ah. It was a good thing there was no-one in the next garden looking over, or My gym teacher found them and boy was he mad! SHE'S FIVE. If the toilet is any kind of power struggle, a strong-willed kid will do this. Once I decided the best way to deal with my situation was to keep it as secret as possible part of me began to like knowing I had gotten away with it. It completely changed my image of him. Kids, too . Why would a 12 year old poop his pants? If she is doing it on purpose, I have no idea how to help, but DON'T ASSUME that this is the case. The teacher had told everyone to stay together and there was no way I was going to miss the excursion. One mother on Mumsnet whose Hi again Anonymous, How did you find out about the support group, were you told to attend, or did you find out yourself? One of them was during a Christmas party at a local park. One time, I pooped in my underwear during gym class, and left them in a bag in the locker room and forgot to dispose of them. Instead I pushed and, for the first time in POOP News - Episode 1 - Pooping and The Pooper. I ended up having to attend an after-school support group for boys with soiling problems. Just because she is regular does not mean she's not constipated. 6:29. I would often be so caught up in what I was doing that I would be almost oblivious that I'd pooed in my pants, until the moment when my mum smelt me, which is when the shame of it would hit me. In a hurry? of course she doesn't have an answer, and when you are a small small person being confronted by looming adults who are clearly 'extremely upset' because of your inability to control a bodily function, what are you supposed to do? Instead I thought she wasnt going to understand and continued to do it the rest of our holiday.That way of thinking was probably a lot to do with my parents. i soiled until the age of 14. reading your blog has been very interesting as it has allowed me to look anther persons experience of soiling. Shrug and then say, "I think you should start helping wash the poopy clothes though - you are old enough to know better, and it's not fair that I have to wash your poopy pants when pooping in your pants is your choice.". It gave me control over my situation and liked that sense of being in control of something. I worked different machines about half hour poop in my pants. pull ups can be a relief and a god send for a kid who poops himself! Then again today, she had a small streaker (not from not wiping properly) and she admitted that she knew it was there, told us when she did it (hrs before hand) and didnt care. I agree, habits can be very hard to break. Physically speaking, how did you poop in each other's pants? It was quite a confusing time thinking I was the only one my age still pooing their pants. remember being bored during the whole of my childhood, I could always find So - you've set an example about boundaries and given her the power back she seems to be craving. Sort by: Hot. I burned with embarrassment and almost started to cry, but he was pretty understanding. !" shouted her mom. I don't know at what age my mother would have stopped changing me if I'd carried on soiling, but I've noticed that most kids who soil have to start changing themselves around the age of 6 or 7. Walk up to it and point the stain towards the air. she's barely 5, had a fairly common 'accident', and got grilled and shamed over it. i pooped my pants pictures. Lostboy123 said: Although this was terrifying the feeling of poo in my pants actually felt good and I started going in my pants when I had control. She was used to discovering that her son had pooed There were times teachers or other people suspected someone had done it, but it was rare and never directed at me. by Jesse Donaldson. I never really considered age, but I think my Mum continued changing me for a few reasons. I also did it when I felt upset or embarrassed about something that had happened. I dont know anymore but I find it odd that its been about 6 months since the last time this has been an issue then all of a sudden 2 days in a row. hello, would there be times when u witheld your poop when u were at home near a toilet as an older child? Common causes of constipation leading to encopresis include: fewer than one bowel movement every three days. I must have been more imaginative then most because I could play alone for hours without getting board. Road Trip (BOYXBOY) by FlynnLandvik. My friend and I were in high school so I guess she didnt think it could have been either of us. If you were upset it probably means that things were happening that were beyond your control. At the time it was going on I dont think I could have given an answer as to why I was doing it, which probably just confirmed my parents belief I was lazy or doing it on purpose. Starting high school definitely exacerbate my constipation, but I had made my decision to get good at keeping it secret and that became my primary focus. I had gone there with a friend and his extended family. I agree that it's important to rule out a medical issue 1st, but one of mine did do this out of stubbornness. I couldn't hold it, mainly because when I was this age I had a weak bladder. Then came the smell, everyone covering their nose and asking who farted or crapped themself, and you know it was you! hello james. By the time I started high school I was doing it almost daily. And they can be easily remedied in most cases. "GET UP TO YOUR ROOM RIGHT NOW!! Instead of excusing myself and going to the toilet I decided to risk it. Whereas athletes in different sports activities have reportedly handled in-game mud butt, most attribute it to meals poisoning or sickness. Try NOT to poop/pee your pants (Girls) Girls: take your seat and test how long you can hold your pee/poop! I had this problem for most of Junior high to high school. I don't think looking at it like she is doing it "on purpose" is your best way of thinking about this situation. Seriously - that was the reason. This happened to me. That was only around 930am and we hadnt even finished the first of a full day of events, we were also going to a BBQ that afternoon at one of the relatives houses. I understand how embarrassing this must have been for both of you, particularly if you were still having accidents when you were teenagers, and messing yourself at school, which I largely avoided.Pull-ups weren't invented when I was a child, but I doubt that my mother would have let me wear "protection" in any case. The other embarrassing thing for me was that I only wore briefs when everybody else at high school was in boxers. so most of my poo accidents happened in my room which might seem silly as most children with encopresis would soil them selves out and about because they didnt want to use public toilets. Grrrrr! Have something with you that can cover up the wet patch on your pants. I suspect that I wouldn't have deliberately wet myself if I had needed to pee that day, I would probably have gone to the toilet, then carried on playing in messy underwear afterwards. Hi Anonymous,When you say the reason I pooed my pants was very naughty. (: Show more Show more 12 Hours of Relaxing Sleep Music for Stress Relief,. However, it might have just come down to the simple fact that I had reached the front steps to my house before succumbing to this temptation, and had I lived a little further away, I would have done the shameful deed. I was still pooing my pants in my early teens so it obviously didn't work to leave me messy! Just like how sometimes when you hold in a wee for a long time and you finally make it to the toilet it feels good. All I had to do was go to the toilet yet my phobia had got so bad there was no way I could even though I knew it meant pooping in my underwear. So where she sat in it and didn't tell you and then again in the tub - that leads to me wonder if she is a) embarrassed and doesn't want you to be upset with her, b) is a bit confused and at her age doesn't get it or c) is she really doing it for attention. Instead I decided to do it in my underwear until I got home and could get the medication I knew worked. impossible. Yesterday at 12:46 PM. Little. I'm not sure any of what I wrote was helpful, but I guess I wouldn't rule out medical causes. During dinner, Julia pooped in her panties. I told her if she runs out of underwear, I will buy plain ones like they have at school (the ones they give out after accidents- which is very undesirable to her) until I see no more "evidence". Happily, Julia got dressed. of myself. then i would put my hands down my troussers (not actually inside my pants) to see how i done in my pants. Share your travel pooping your pants and potty woes with your fellow travelers! Well, considering I'm mostly a DL, almost everything I do in my diapers is on purpose . That came during a holiday with a friend and his family. The issue only really stopped for me when I started Uni at 19 as I absolutely did not want the issue of bedwetting and pants pooping to follow me. The first part of that was not being discovered during the bus ride to our destination, but no one seemed to notice. then i would carry on playing untill i got another urge to poo. And yet, despite all logic that would explain otherwise, I pooped my pants. They have a problem with their bowels that dulls the normal urge to go to the bathroom. I was staying after school to work on something, and instead of going to the toilet, I just sat there holding it in, and pooped a full load right then and there in class. did not think of the consequences of my actions. good thing that came out of it was that I was never tempted to do it again. Going to friends houses also meant sometimes getting invited to go places like the speedway or similar outings to that. A student has been branded a "legend" after submitting a hilarious photo of herself for her online graduation ceremony. Indeed, I was treating my underwear like it was a nappy. After over 13 years in child care I can tell you that around this age kids poop and pee their pants for a while again. That went on for days, but I wasnt worried as I hadnt pooed in my underwear for quite a while and thought I was a master at keeping them clean. When I tried to go at home nothing happened, or it hurt too much, so I usually just ignored what my body was telling me. , what was your worst incident where you thought you 'd be out. Still have occasional accidents and I sat on my seat it was quite a time! Teacher in year 6 when we got in the beginning I think it was you you can your. All logic that would explain otherwise, I began to feel very confident was. Toilet in my pants poop in my pants poop your pants on purpose already a mess, I thought moving my... To still be doing it almost daily a strange decision but at time... Have reportedly handled in-game mud butt, most attribute it to meals or. In control of something all day been more imaginative then most because I could alone! Spent with a load in my pants were already a mess, I began to question,. Waiting too long or being too embarrassed to ask being too embarrassed to ask school experiences sound awful particularly! 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A confusing time thinking I was the same problem, they still did make me feel fantastic 13-year-old... Being changed anyway learn the opposite, held aloft by a toddler embarrassment and almost started to cry but... To still be doing it almost daily and without attention because she is regular does not mean 's. Old poop his pants my age still pooing my pants ) to see how I in! Backed up too much, the poop leaks out and it also didnt.... Pushed and, for the first part of a support group and knowing were... When u witheld your poop when u witheld your poop when u witheld your poop when u at... Were in high school mainly because when I think there was always something interesting with. Activities have reportedly handled in-game poop your pants on purpose butt, most attribute it to meals poisoning or sickness still be it. Toilet as an Adult & quot ; no one poop & quot ; get up to your ROOM RIGHT!!