As Judge, I am committed to treating each probate matter fairly and expeditiously, and to continually improve the quality of services provided by the Court. Whether for past accomplishments or future goals, why should voters elect you? Elyria, Ohio 44035 COMMITTED. Domestic Relations Division, Room 108 (domestic case filings) Myron Harkacz, Magistrate. Judges Hon.Edward M. Zaleski Hon, James Burge James Blaszak, Staff Attorney Faye List, Staff Attorney Hon. Access to the Lorain County Clerk of Court of Common Pleas The Lorain County Court of Common Pleas is a trial court of common pleas in Elyria, Ohio. Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County. Elyria, Ohio 44035. . Contact Lorain County Probate Court or visit us at: Justice Center 225 Court Street 6th Floor Elyria, OH 44035 Lorain County Court Of Common Pleas Computerized Court Records Now on-line Access to the Lorain County Clerk of Court of Common Pleas computerized case records of Civil, Criminal, Domestic Relations and 9th District Court of Appeals Cases, since 1988, is now available on-line , 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Juvenile hearings involving the following: Motions to bind the juvenile over to the general division, Commitments to the Department of Youth Services (DYS), Cases involving Sexual offender registration and notification, Objections to Magistrates orders and decisions. Hon. For Judge of the Lorain County Court of Common Pleas Domestic Relations/Juvenile Division Full Term Beginning 1/2/2023 Democrat: Sherry L Glass (aka Glass Strohsack)* Republican: No Candidate Filed *Indicates Winner Get In Touch Questions, comments or concerns? Hon. Mark A. Betleski STATE'S RESPONSE TO DEFENDANT'S REQUEST FOR DISCOVERY FILED. I will make the courtroom a place to connect with litigants and the community, maintain an efficient docket aimed at resolving cases in a timely and fair manner, and openly collaborate with agencies and programs to make a difference in our criminal justice process in Lorain County. FAX: 440-329-5400 You may search the index yourself for cases filed here since October, 1987. Main Title Office Ohio Department of Job and Family Services Form 07076. Box 61260Suite 1500Harrisburg, PA 17106, 601 Commonwealth Avenue Suite 1500 Harrisburg, PA 17120, 1515 Market Street Suite 1414 Philadelphia, PA 19102, 2023 The Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania, Follow the Unified Judicial System on Twitter, INFORMATION ABOUT STATEWIDE COURT RESPONSE TO COVID-19. FAX: 440-329-5404 436 Grant Street. Pittsburgh PA 15219. phone: 412-350-3905 View Map. Office sought: Judge of General Division, Court of Common Pleas, City of residence and length of residency: Lorain, 11 years, Education: Wellington High School- High School Diploma; Lorain County Community College- Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice; Miami University- Bachelors of Arts in American Studies and Political Science; Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, Cleveland State University- Juris Doctor with Criminal Law Concentration Certificate. The Clerk of Court of Common Pleas is responsible for various MOTION IS GRANTED AND DEFENDANT'S BOND IS AMENDED TO $10,000 PERSONAL SUBJECT TO CSR AND GPS MONITOR TO BE PAID AT STATE'S EXPENSE. Can you give us any legal advice on my case? lorain county probate courtgarberiel battery charger manual 26th February 2023 . The Clerk's domestic relations division handles all documents associated with divorces, no-fault divorces, annulments and civil protection (domestic violence) cases. John Keys, Staff Attorney List campaign social media and websites: Website:; Facebook: Kobasher for Judge; Instagram: KobasherForJudge, Employer: Lorain County Court of Common Pleas, General Division, Elected office experience (Office must have appeared on public ballot): N/A, Non-elected office experience (boards, etc. His current term expires December 31, 2022. Site Tree : Mark A Betleski Raymond J Ewers They handle civil case filings, appellate case filings, and notary public applications. Contact your local county court for more information orvisit their website.You can also learn more about mitigating the spread of the virus AT THE DEFENDANT'S REQUEST, PRE-TRIAL IS HEREBY CONTINUED UNTIL: 1/30/23 AT 10:00AM. [1] Rothgery was re-elected in November 2010 and won again in the general election on November 8, 2016. Lorain County Justice Center, 1st Floor Several years ago, a judgment was rendered against me. credit bureaus and the like. Select All: Judge Mark Betleski: Judge Debra Boros: Judge Christopher Rothgery: Mag. Hon, James Burge DEFENDANT WAIVES STATUTORY TIME FOR SPEEDY TRIAL PURSUANT TO R.C. Recently Selected Courts. The Clerk's civil division office files cases between parties, foreclosures, and certificates of judgment. The United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio has jurisdiction in Lorain County. View and download forms for use in Court of Common Pleas Probate cases. . : All users of this service agree to hold the Lorain County Clerk of Courts harmless from any and all losses, damages, liability, omissions, or claims which may arise directly or indirectly from information obtained from this service or use of the service itself. Records Division, Room 109 (case index, case files) Judge Melissa C. Kobasher Judge D Chris Cook Judge Raymond J. Ewers Judge James L. Miraldi Judge Chris R. Rothgery Judge John R. Miraldi More Info. in chronological order, if you already know the case number. BOND SET AT $50,000 CASH AND $10,000 PERSONAL. Elyria, Ohio 44035 AT THE DEFENDANT'S REQUEST, PRE-TRIAL IS HEREBY CONTINUED UNTIL: 3/6/23 AT 8:30AM. CT 5: VIOLATING A PROTECTION ORDER: 2919.27(A)(1) - F5, SHERIFF'S RETURN - I MADE PERSONAL SERVICE ON DEFENDANT ON: 12/8/22, PHIL R. STAMMITTI, SHERIFF. Hon.Edward M. Zaleski For Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of OhioFull Term Beginning 1/1/2023, For Justice of the Supreme Court of OhioFull Term Beginning 1/1/2023, For Justice of the Supreme Court of OhioFull Term Beginning 1/2/2023, For Judge of the Ninth District Court of AppealsFull Term Beginning 2/9/2023, For Judge of the Ninth District Court of AppealsFull Term Beginning 2/10/2023, For Judge of the Ninth District Court of AppealsFull Term Beginning 2/11/2023, For Judge of the Lorain County Court of Common Pleas General DivisionFull Term Beginning 1/1/2023, For Judge of the Lorain County Court of Common Pleas General DivisionFull Term Beginning 1/3/2023, For Judge of the Lorain County Court of Common Pleas Domestic Relations/Juvenile DivisionFull Term Beginning 1/2/2023. These documents are not the official public records and may not include every document filed with the Clerk of Courts. No. Lorain County Justice Center, 1st Floor. Melissa Kobasher, candidate for Lorain County Common Pleas Court judge, May 2022 primary By Submitted | April 15, 2022 at 3:21 p.m. Melissa Kobasher Political party: Democrat Melissa. CASE ASSIGNED TO JUDGE JOHN MIRALDI. 226 Middle Avenue HEARING HAD ON DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO AMEND BOND. Welcome to the Lorain County Court of Common Pleas Probate Division website. The Judges refer a wide range of cases to the Magistrates. Juvenile cases handled by Domestic Relations Court, Raymond J. Ewers I would also take on the responsibility to preside over a specialty docket should one become available, or seek to bring an additional specialty docket to our court to assist in addressing those defendants that face special challenges within the criminal justice system. SEQ. This is where you can see the cashier. SUMMONS W/COPY OF INDICTMENT ISSUED TO LORAIN COUNTY SHERIFF. Relations and 9th District Court of Appeals Cases, since Hon. Judge Walther. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. The Clerk's finance division tracks financial information for cases in these divisions as well as handling payments made for court costs, fines, and restitution. Renee Zafarana, Magistrate Terminals for public access to all computerized index and docket sheets are located in this area. Civil Division, Room 105 (civil case filings, notary public David A. Basinski 225 Court Street. Elyria, Ohio 44036-0758 to all cases by party name; General Index, an alphabetical CT 3: DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: 2919.25(A) - F4 Our office has no authority to remove any cases from the public record absent a law or court order to the contrary. Terrance R. Butler, Magistrate Jody L. Barilla, Magistrate VERMILLION MUNICIPAL COURT (3) This includes cases that are bound over from municipal courts and original indictments from the grand jury. and record retention of the activities of the court and PHONE: 440-329-5127 Common Pleas Legal Records Lorain County Justice Center, 1st Floor 225 Court Street Elyria, Ohio 44035 Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm Civil Division, Room 105 (civil case filings, appellate case filings) PHONE: 440-329-5536 FAX: 440-328-2416 Criminal Division, Room 106 (criminal case filings, post bail bonds) Political Science, Summa Cum Laude, University of Detroit; 1978 - Juris Doctor, Cleveland Marshall College of Law; 1996 to present - Continuing legal education for Acting Judges and Presiding Judges as prescribed by the Ohio Supreme Court. Please reach out to us for more information! 225 Court Street PRE-TRIAL HAD. I'm looking for a certain case and it is not showing up, can you please tell me why? Room 110 If you do not have a family attorney, you should contact the Lorain County Bar Association or the telephone directory for any attorney referral. THERE IS A 1 MILE EXCLUSION ZONE FOR CERTAIN ADDRESSES AND TO HAVE NO CONTACT WITH ALLEGED VICTIMS. waived reading of indictment. Dispositions of criminal cases are reported to B.C.I and I., the State of Ohio's central information storage center. The fact that the case was filed, a judgment was rendered, and the judgment was satisfied remains part of the public record. St. Joseph Community Center Directions . Warden for a 600 female inmate prison. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORM FEE ASSESSED. pretrial set for 12/19/22 at 8:30am. Bonds may be posted in the criminal office. I was ranked the highest democratic candidate by my peers in the Lorain County Bar Association poll and am the only judicial candidate in my primary who has served over a jury trial as a judicial officer. vs. PEERLIS, LLC - ET AL., CV-11-769433 in Ohio State, Cuyahoga County, Court of Common Pleas, last filing 01/01/1900, updated 2 days, 2 hours ago. with judges, staff, other agencies and the public; 3. DEFENDANT TO BE FITTED WITH GPS MONITOR PRIOR TO RELEASE FROM LORAIN COUNTY JAIL. The Clerk's records division has records and indexes for cases dating back to 1824. Linda Butler, Staff Attorney WAIVED TIME AND MANNER OF SERVICE. This site will benefit law Online Self-Help Forms. FAX: 440-329-5404 PHONE: 440-329-5538 COURT REPORTER CERTIFICATION FILED FOR 2/5/23. Select All Probation Administrative Appeals Administrative Appeals Annulment Cert. Courts Cheat Sheet; Query Builder . Private Practice of Law from 1978 to 2004; Acting Judge for the Lorain Municipal Court from 1996 to 2004; Guardian ad Litem for abused, neglected and dependent children and the elderly in Probate, Domestic and Juvenile Courts from 1978 to 2004; Former Lorain County Common Pleas Court Arbitrator; Domestic Relations/Juvenille Division lorain county prosecutor's office 225 court st 3rd floor elyria, ohio 44035: prosecutor, lorain county lorain county justice center 225 court st 3rd fl elyria, ohio 44035: fandrich, jason s . entered plea of not guilty. Judges Case docket: MORGAN BANK, N.A., A DIVISION OF LORAIN ETC. bond cont'd. case assigned to judge john miraldi. court system. You may search the index yourself for cases filed here since October, 1987. 2945.71 ET. James Patterson, Magistrate Furthermore, users of this service understand that periodic maintenance and system outages, whether scheduled or unscheduled, may occur and that during such outages this on-line service may be unavailable. Lucinda McConnell, Magistrate Born and raised in Lorain, this lifelong Lorain County resident is committed to administering law with compassion, while helping individuals. You can email Probate Court for assistance at Private Practice of Law from 1978 to 2004; Acting Judge for the Lorain Municipal Court from 1996 to 2004; Guardian ad Litem for abused, neglected and dependent children and the elderly in Probate. Christopher R. Rothgery Tom Dougan, Staff Attorney Hon. Be advised some case types may not be publicly available for viewing on the . I am actively engaged in our community and find it important that our elected officials remain dedicated to serving the public that has elected them. Are you married? Dissolution Unrepresented Parties Journal Entry (PDF), Dissolution Without Children Represented by Counsel Journal Entry (PDF), Domestic Relations Fax Filing Cover Page (PDF), Domestic Relations Party Contact Information (PDF), Domestic Relations Summons for Contempt (PDF), Domestic Relations Summons for Contempt Regular Mail (PDF), Local Rule 24 Journal Entry Setting Dissolution with Children for Approval Hearing (PDF), Motion to Restrict Access to Civil or Criminal Case Document Packet (PDF), Notice of Seminar for Separating Parents (PDF), Revised July 2022 Domestic Relations Instructions for Service (PDF), Application for Child Support Services, Non-Public Assistance Applicant, Uniform Ohio Domestic Relations & Juvenile Standardized Forms, Domestic Violence Petition Information and Forms, Affidavit of Poverty with Financial Disclosure (PDF), Application for Limited Driving Privileges (PDF), Garnishment of Personal Earnings of Judgment Debtor (PDF), Garnishment of Property Other Than Personal Earnings (PDF), Personal Identifier Form for Court of Appeals (PDF), Praecipe for Certificate of Judgment (PDF), Civil Stalking/Civil Sexually Oriented Offense Protection Orders and Forms, Application to Expunge Record of Conviction - Human Trafficking Victim Packet (PDF), Application to Expunge Record of Conviction for Improperly Handling Firearm Packet (PDF), Application to Seal Record of Conviction Packet (PDF), Application to Seal Record of Nonconviction Packet (PDF). Selected Courts. computerized case records of Civil, Criminal, Domestic now Court Judges Judge Jim Court Judges To call, fax, or email a Judge's office please dial (440) 329-5000 to contact the County's Automated Switchboard. Select A Case Type. I would like a marriage license and copy of my will. and should be kept in a safe place. The Clerk is responsible for Hon. AT THE DEFENDANT'S REQUEST, PRE-TRIAL IS HEREBY CONTINUED UNTIL: 2/27/2023 AT 8:30AM. PHONE: 440-244-5800 *NO CONTACT*, INDICTMENT FILED. SURETY BOND NOT POSTED. Appeals . Judge Darrel Bilancini is running for Lorain County Court of Common Pleas. Lorain County Court of Common Pleas, "Court Judges," accessed August 25, 2015; 2.0 2.1 2.2 American Judicature Society, "Methods of . Any previous Orders in this line shall expire according to their own terms. Northeast Reintegration Center. CC: SHERIFF, BOND POSTED: Can you take Pictures for Passport or Carrying a Concealed Weapon (CCW) applications? DEFENDANT ARRAIGNED. We continue to monitor developments regarding the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and its impact on court operations. Christopher R. Rothgery is a judge on the Lorain County Court of Common Pleas. CT 2: VIOLATING A PROTECTION ORDER: 2919.27(A)(1) - F3 CT 4: VIOLATING A PROTECTION ORDER: 2919.27(A)(1) - F5 General information is also provided on our, Contact your local county court for more information or, You can also learn more about mitigating the spread of the virus at, Search, view and print court docket sheets, Securely pay fines, costs, and restitution, Electronically file documents with the courts, Commonwealth Court Prothonotary's Address, Office of Children & Families in the Courts. FROM CRA2200258B- VIOLATING PROTECTION ORDER (M1) WAIVED READING OF INDICTMENT. In addition, the finance division sets up payment plans and processes credit card payments over the phone. . Allegheny (05) . Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Judges First, try conducting your search online with variations in the spelling of the name. Call the Legal Aid Society of Lorain County to see if you qualify for their service. Raymond J. Ewers Kristen MacIntosh, Staff Attorney Hon. Jun 2015 - Mar 20171 year 10 months. This site will benefit law firms, government agencies, the media, background searchers, credit bureaus and the like. 2945.71 ET. Hon. P. O. Clerk of Courts. SEE JOURNAL. April 16, 2022 at 8:00 a.m. A trio of candidates will face off in the May 3 primary to see which Democratic candidate will face Republican Darrel Bilancini in the November election for Lorain. DEFENDANT PREVIOUSLY WAIVED STATUTORY TIME FOR SPEEDY TRIAL PURSUANT TO R.C. Probate Division Thomas P. Caulfield. The three Domestic Relations and Juvenile Court Judges are very active in their courtrooms, hearing a variety and multitude of cases. CRA2200258A- VIOLATING PROTECTION ORDER (M1) The Clerk's criminal division office handles all felony criminal cases. PHONE: 440-329-5536 detailed updates regarding county-by-county court operations and proceedings. PHONE: 440-329-5511 MOTION TO REDUCE BOND (HEARING REQUESTED) FILED BY DEFT. available on-line, Domestic and Juvenile Courts from 1978 to 2004; Former Lorain County Common Pleas Court Arbitrator; Former Assistant Lorain City Law Director; Former Assistant Lorain County Prosecutor. Please reach out to us for more information! Phone: 440-329-5111 Fax: 440-323-3357. applications) Protection Order Forms and Information. The cost is $15 per picture. Monday through Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm. PHONE: 440-329-5625 the issuance of process. Can you tell me if you have any case on a particular person? Appeals cases to the Ninth District Court of Appeals are also handled in this office. Contact Lorain County Probate Court or visit us at: Justice Center 225 Court Street 6th Floor Elyria, OH 44035 Phone: 440-329-5295. Debra L. Boros This case/party is not currently eligible to pay online. Mark A. Betleski John Keys, Staff Attorney Domestic Relations/Juvenille . (Civil & Criminal Case) James Blaszak, Staff Attorney 205 W. 20th Street, Suite M200 FAX: 440-329-5426 : I am married to my husband, Nick and we have two children, Milana (age 8) and Odin (age 4). 12/15 . If elected, I will become the sole female on the bench of the Lorain County Court of Common Pleas, bringing experience and diversity to the bench. Lorain County is located within the Ninth District Court of Appeals.. The court offices and courtrooms are located on the 6th and 7th floors of the Lorain County Justice Center. SEQ. Charlita Anderson-White, Magistrate INDICTMENT FOR Bookkeeping Division, Room 107 (cashier, payments on fines PHONE: 440-329-5428 Note: We do not support Safari or Chrome browsers. Lorain County Commissioners. Civil Division, Room 105 (civil case filings, notary public applications) PHONE: 440-329-5536. and costs) Docket Sheets, a case summary with all filings in the case Legal Division Excellent organizational skills; ability to organize work, set priorities, and determine necessary resource requirements; 4. Hon. The Common Pleas Court Clerk's Legal division offices are located on the first floor of the Lorain County Justice Center in Elyria, Ohio. Contact Lorain County Probate Court or visit us at: Justice Center225 Court Street6th Floor Elyria, OH 44035Phone: 440-329-5295. index to all cases by party name with further detail and The type of cases and matters heard by the judiciary include, but are not inclusive of, the following: Lorain County Domestic Relations Court 225 Court Street Elyria, OH 44035 Domestic Relations: (440) 329-5277 Juvenile: (440) 329-5187, Department of Probation and Youth Services, Click here to Search Judges Docket Sheets, Civil protection order petitions domestic violence, Pre and Post-Decree domestic relations contempt motions. with the court, the clerk is also charged with the duty of Hon. [2] [3] Elections 2016 General Information on Clerk's Office 1971 - Graduate, Lorain Catholic High School; 1975 - B.A. record creation, record maintenance, record reporting Oral hearing on Defendant's motion to reduce bond scheduled for 02/06/2023. FAX: 440-329-5271 ): Lorain County Urban League, Board Member; Lorain County Bar Association Legal Grievance and Ethics Committee, Committee Member, List organizations you belong to: Lorain Lions Club, Lorain County Urban League, Lorain County Bar Association, Ohio State Bar Association, Federal Bar Association. Should you be elected, what are three specific areas youd like to change, address, improve or further research, and how specifically would you go about it? 601 Commonwealth AvenueP.O. PRE-TRIAL HAD. available on-line. new titles are prepared each year. AT THE DEFENDANT'S REQUEST, PRE-TRIAL IS HEREBY CONTINUED UNTIL: 4/17/23 AT 8:30AM. For example, "James Smith" may be indexed as "Jim Smith." The Pennsylvania Judiciary has provideddetailed updates regarding county-by-county court operations and proceedings.General information is also provided on ourFAQ page. Can I file my documents over the internet? ENTERED PLEA OF NOT GUILTY. Ability to manage a large volume of work; Lorain County Common Pleas Court Position Description Classification Title: Civil Administrative Assistant In addition to his ministerial duties and responsibilities - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Terrence Butler: Mag. The Common Pleas Court Clerk's Legal division offices are located on the first floor of the Lorain County Justice Center in Elyria, Ohio. the daily schedules for all Judges and Magistrates except The people of Lorain County are served by a Court of Common Pleas and five Municipal Courts.. Faye List, Staff Attorney $10,000 PERSONAL BOND W/CSR;GPS AND NO CONTACT POSTED BY DEFT, WARRANT TO DISCHARGE ISSUED TO LORAIN COUNTY SHERIFF. CT 1: VIOLATING A PROTECTION ORDER: 2919.27(A)(1) - F3 Lorain County Administration Building, 1st Floor Frank J. Horvath Kristen MacIntosh, Staff Attorney 1700 Lake Shore Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43204. Elyria, Ohio 44035. Criminal Division, Room 106 (criminal case filings, post administrative and ministerial duties in conjunction These duties include record creation, record maintenance, record reporting and record retention of the activities of the court and the issuance of process. for all vehicles and watercraft owned by all residents of Phone: 440-329-5000. Broad Street Branch Title Office Access to the Lorain County Clerk of Court of Common Pleas computerized case records of Civil, Criminal, Domestic Relations and 9th District Court of Appeals Cases, since 1988, is now available online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Instructions and additional self-help resources are provided. PHONE: 440-329-5187 June Rising: Charlita Anderson-White: Mag. . Melissa Kobasher, candidate for Lorain County, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Melissa Kobasher, candidate for Lorain County Common Pleas Court judge, May 2022 primary, Ohio plan aims to boost trust by standardizing election data, Abortion rights groups submit 2023 ballot measure in Ohio, North Ridgeville Mayor Kevin Corcoran announces re-election campaign, Nikki Haley planning Feb. 15 launch for 2024 White House bid, Lorain native Michael Daniels, Ph.D., receives a national dissertation of the year award, Lorain, Port Authority move forward with Pellet Terminal project, Olivia DiFranco's career-high 34 points pushes Midview past Akron Hoban in regional semifinal, Olmsted Falls vs. Fremont Ross girls basketball: Second half pushes Bulldogs to elite eight, Amherst woman brings size inclusive boutique to town, 'American Pickers' coming to Ohio in April, Lorain's Hawthorne Elementary ends Black History Month with Gallery Walk, High school swimming: Avon's Alex Downing brings home Division I state title, Soil from East Palestine train derailment coming to Grafton for incineration, Elyria: Public comments open as state, federal EPA review quarry, Denver gang member gave 14-year-old permission to open fire on woman with AR-15 after fender-bender, DA alleges, In 4 years, Lori Lightfoot went from breakout political star to divisive mayor of a Chicago beset by pandemic and crime, Florida lawmakers to consider expansion of so-called dont say gay law, Drone crashes at Disneyland after hovering over visitors heads See video, Rapper Travis Scott wanted for assaulting Manhattan club sound engineer, destroying $12K in equipment, Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. Appeals from the Northern District go to the United States Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit. FAX: 440-329-5404. 2945.71 ET. David J. Berta FAX: 440-329-5506 IT APPEARING DEFENDANT IS INDIGENT, THE COURT HEREBY APPOINTS AS COUNSEL FOR DEFENDANT ATTORNEY M. LIEUX In addition to my experience, I recognize a need to diversify the bench to bring a different perspective and help instill trust in the judicial system. Box 758 1988, is now These records are available in our office from 8 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday, in our Records Department. CRA2200257- DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (F4) General Information on Clerk's Office. with the Court of Common Pleas. Approximately 100,000 Hon. PRE-TRIAL HAD. 226 Middle Avenue 4th Floor. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All of these words. the receipt and disbursement of all money paid into the Michelle Arredondo, Magistrate Kim Meyers, candidate for Lorain County Common Pleas Court judge, May 2022 primary By Submitted | April 15, 2022 at 3:22 p.m. Kim R. Meyers Political party: Democrat Kim Meyers. firms, government agencies, the media, background searchers, Licensed to practice law by the Supreme Court of Ohio; Licensed to practice law in United States District Court; Member, American, Ohio State, and Lorain County Bar Associations; Former Member, Lorain County Bar Association Legal Ethics Committee. He was elected to the court in November 2004 and assumed office on January 2, 2005. The Clerk of Court of Common Pleas is responsible for various administrative and ministerial duties in conjunction with the Court of Common Pleas. Lorain County Domestic Relations Court 225 Court Street Elyria, OH 44035 Domestic Relations: (440) 329-5277 Juvenile: (440) 329-5187. In charge of all operations of the prison- inmates . Juvenile cases are handled by Domestic Relations Court: Please understand that the Clerk's office is prohibited by law to give any legal advice. Tom Dougan, Staff Attorney James Miraldi Clear Coverage information Done. The actual documents upon which this service is based are physically located at the offices of the Lorain County Clerk of Courts, 225 Court Street, First Floor, Elyria, OH 44035 and are available for review unless such records are exempt from disclosure. Prior to RELEASE from Lorain County Probate courtgarberiel battery charger manual 26th February 2023 located in this area progress more! Appellate case filings, appellate case filings, appellate case filings, public! Filings ) Myron Harkacz, Magistrate Terminals for public access to all computerized and... Attorney WAIVED TIME and MANNER of SERVICE, and the like judgment was satisfied remains part of virus! 44035 phone: 440-329-5536 detailed updates regarding county-by-county Court operations and proceedings.General information is also with... Monitor PRIOR to RELEASE from Lorain County JAIL Clerk 'S civil division, Room (. 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