Simply put, hotspots are the physical places where . You can use Helium Hotspot Utility App to diagnose it to get latest status of your Miner. But its a delayed status. Unfortunately, we still don't know what's causing this, and we assume it must be something from gateway-config. Maybe your out port isnt 44158. Why is my Bobcat300 miner always invalid witness only to a nearby hotspot miner (850 m away)? If OTA failed due to network issues, reboot your Hotspot, wait for several minutes and try again. Please try again in a few minutes" and I can never get past that no matter how many times I try. Do i need to do something to change it? Built with the Helium IoT network. Looks like a DNS issue. message: A records not found, It can help you do troubleshooting but dont rely on it. I am getting the message hotspot miner is waiting to start. Community submissions open to be Guest of Honor at Helium House ATX . There are 2 types: Helium OTA it will update the Helium Miner which is a node in the blockchain. would you? Eventually you will need to make sure Port 44158 is open. It is still sending beacons consistently every so often with some of those having 0 witnesses. You signed in with another tab or window. Stop incessantly rebooting or waiting for the helium app to update the miner's status. Therefore, in this article, you will learn how to install a Bobcat miner: Find an appropriate place: To optimize revenue, it is recommended that the hotspot be located near a street-facing vantage point so that the antenna has no walls around it to limit its range. You can access you bobcat diagnostic page the same way you access a Goldshell box miner. The N Female connector just popped off the cable. Have you solved your problem? When can dogs become an important element of AI? After confirming location the following message appears within 3-5 seconds: Hotspot miner is waiting to start. If you still have trouble after trying these To use WiFi (optional), Download Hotspot Utility App 3. Relay maybe caused by strict Firewall but not all the Relays. Sometimes, your blockchain database will be broken, in that case, the miner will try to fix it by deleting the old database and start to sync from the scratch. A bunch of recent Bobcat miners got released with firmware V1.0.2.79 which has a very hard time receiving OTA updates. Network, not only yours, but also others. Sample: I guess you are very RICH because you are adding many Miners in a row . Anybody having problems with Bobcats? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Although its still syncing, it has mined 0.23 HNT and I am confused by this. Thanks. I keep on trying to register my hotspot and it keeps saying that it is waiting to start. Just write the firmware linked there to the card included in the miner: Cant access the Diagnoser as I cant connect with the internet, both Wifi and Ethernet; I kept one and returned the other. Enable bobcatminer Pair Mode 4. I have a Us 915 and people arround me dont see my beacons. Basically you should sit and wait. Although it also says that nat is open. Sometimes a restart may work. Afterwards another ota update installed itself on the miner, I reset it again and fast sync it again, and it has been 20h flatline and the diagnoser keeps saying everything is good (ports open, nat none, synced) but the explorer keeps saying syncing and zero earning. We'll begin with the different types of Hotspots: Regular, Light, and Data Only. but it did not solve the problem. How many HNT have you been mining lately? It doesnt matter even the blockchain_height is 0. Press J to jump to the feed. After your Miner connected to the internet, it will try to get the latest update and install it. Picses Outdoor Helium HNT Miner Hotspot EU. The expected block time is 60 seconds. help eliminate the possibility of a blown circuit as the culprit. Hi, Will be posted out immediately for 48hour delivery. Also some routers have port forwarding issues can also cause this problem. Why is that? Thanks. After light gateway, no relayed. Hotspot 3 is Offline, maybe Hotspot 2 is using a Panel Antenna which only talks to futher Hotspots. If the Miner has already been added, you will see this error in the transaction log. If the light is still RED, you need to contact your hotspot maker to get support. Hotspot miner is waiting to start problem Mining Setup I am having a problem setting up my bobcat miner 300. Even in the Helium app I cannot connect with the hotspot via bluetooth to see the sync. Any suggestions on what might have gone wrong? Global Web Hosting Services Since 2000 | Web Netology You need a RP SMA Male adapter to connect to it. john melendez tonight show salary I am thankful for all kind of hints and recommendations. For the registration, you only need to wait longer. The relayed status in Explorer can have several hours deday. Sooner or later you will leave the noise behind and focus on the real signal, so why waste your time? Note that if you restart it, it might need to synchronize with the blockchain again, taking up to 48h again to finish. LongFi is a new type of wireless protocol that is capable of covering 200 times the distance of wi-fi. Com If you are interested message me your 2,000. Discovery Mode isnt a real simulation of beacon and witness. There are 4 screws in the back of the box. You can skip below. things, please email your Hotspot manufacturer. Sometimes OTA can take up to 24 hours. For acurate status, only by using the app diagnostics for a hotspot you own. Durable, industrial-grade solid state storage. If you have more than one Hotspot, or an additional 5V 3A power adapter laying around, trying a See Why Offline / Syncing. 3 comments controllinohelium on Oct 28, 2021 madninja closed this as completed on Oct 29, 2021 Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub Sign in to comment If you just got your hotspot, please connect to internet and leave it there until its upgraded to the latest version firmware. This topic was automatically closed 2 days after the last reply. After a chain halt, the blockchain will try to run as its fastest speed when possible to produce blocks. Please Try Again Hotspot Miner is Waiting to Start Error code: Please Try Again Hotspot miner is waiting to start. The region is defined on chain.. Use Bobcat Diagnoser to get the newest Firmware version in your hotspot. Use Bobcat Diagnoser to see the Network status in your hotspot. Its good if your diagnoser shows good status. It started to earn tokens again. Hey, I tested all those things. I left it alone all night and just tried it with the same results I will reboot again. Fill out the "Helium House ATX: Guest of Honor" form quickly and securely on Airtable. Can you help me? Just make sure you asserted the right Antenna dBi and height. Make sure that the app has the Location permissions enabled. Hi, what frequency do miners use in Guatemala. Or you may have bluetooth connection issue, onboarding issue, etc since it may restart during your operations. Your onboarding address is invalid. You can wait in that case. records: [] message: Failed to connect to using default DNS, trying, I plugged in the Hotspot, but no lights came on: I tried to add the Hotspot, but it says its owned by someone else: It may seem silly, but trying the plug in a different outlet (ideally on a separate circuit) can the pic @ RAK Hotspot Quick Start Guide | RAKwireless Documentation Center shows what looks to be a slot just below where the antenna cable connector is, but on mine this surface is completely smooth, and only the antenna connection visible. If yes, it puts our sys.config (with ebus enabled and other stuff) into the miner docker /releases/versionOfMiner folder, which was 2021.10.27.0 but apparently it needed to be within 2021.10.27.0_GA, As of the 2021.10.07.0 release there is a standard config symlink created in _releases. And i am getting nothing issue. If the blockchain.db is too big (over 40G for bobcat), the blockchain.db will be deleted and resynced from the latest snapshot. I changed the location of the hotspot and then for 5 days I did not have witnes and it threw out that the hotspot did nothing for 5000 blocks. Please try again in a few minutes. There is an issue with the App constantly showing syncing, but the explorer is more accurate according to the Helium web page. Com If you are interested message me your RAK V2 Helium HNT Hotspot Miner UK/EU in new condition . --RiSingHF How long have you been in business? HOTSPOT Garden/Camping Outdoor Gas Light Mobile outdoor lighting with no wiring and easy to install. It seems like the suggestions provided so far require adding an icon by adding another field/measure. Same issue. The RAK Hotspot Miner V2 includes two (2) small LEDs for status: Red LED: Solid red is good; it means Pi is getting power. Helium 19 May 2022 Please try again in a few minutes.. Ive opened the Bobcat unit and the antenna cables appear to be attached. SNR too clear will also cause lower HNT, so it should be combination with your Antenna, the height of your Antenna and the Location. Furthermore, the Bobcat hotspot miner has a storage capacity of 64GB. To be continued. Both Outbound and Inbound Peer-to-Peer Connection says OK in Helium Hotspot Utility app and I do get witnesses. This is because the Miner isnt started. If you are trying to add your miner during the restarting , you will get this error. They told me to to reflash the SD card with the original settings: Hello, can you try to reflash the SD card to the original settings please? Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, RAK Hotspot Miner 2.0: Register Issue: "hotspot miner is waiting to start. Try power-cycling the Hotspot by unplugging it, waiting 10 seconds, and plugging it back in. Because your said it worked well before Antenna change. All was working fine 3 days back and all is going wrong router / modem all working fine. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and SenseCAP: UPDATE: I just solved the problem. The Helium API servers kept scaling out but sometimes it cant catch up the speed of hotspots adding speed. Previously I was witnessing a lot of beacons but not sending any beacon. Please contact the Hotspot For over 24 hours now; The actual hardware varies in make and build, but all of the approved hotspot models listed on the Helium website can connect to Helium and start earning you HNT. You can also Use Bobcat Diagnoser to diagnose your Bobcatminer. So after I create a chart layout add a strategy and create an Alert and save everything 1) If later I open the same layout and modify the settings of the strategy does that modify the setting on the Alert or do I need to create a new Alert to get it to capture the settings? Only Synced hotspots can do beacon / witness. If you just got your hotspot, please connect to internet and leave it there until it's upgraded to the latest version firmware. app. I dont know what to do..i followed every steps from here. Connecting an antenna doesnt make any difference. June 10th. iOS 11 or Do you create a new acct w 12 seed phrase for each location? Anyone with the same case? Aug 20, 2021 Replying to @helium @jimmyispromo and @BOBCATiot Hello! hi close and reopen the app, then attempt to Pair again. So, I still have a few more firmware versions to go through before Im all set. Am able to witness and send out challenges. In your diagnoser, click Miner menu, you will see the region in json. Similarly to above, double check that the phones Bluetooth settings are enabled. exceed rate limit means you clicked too fast between two clicks. Tried wireless, and wired installs. DNS: Local DNS, Plug the hotspot into power, and connect it to the internet using the included ethernet cable. In turn, this decreases the available supply for people like me and you. Retrieve Diagnoser IP from the Helium App Follow the screenshots below to access your IP address using the Helium app. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. If youre seeing zero balance or no Hotspots in your app, please close and re-open the app or go to Settings and toggle the API provider., You may have an outdated firmware. how do i fix this i cant find anyone who knows what to do in dischord, Bobcat: Hotspot miner is waiting to start Please try again in a few minutes Dry_Explanation_7964 0 0 8 Months Fill out the "Helium House ATX: Guest of Honor" form quickly and securely on Airtable. Miner is a docker process in your Bobcat machine. If you still have trouble after trying these things, please email your Hotspot manufacturer. Make sure you are using Ethernet and dont loose power when doing this. Look at the image below, I have a hotspot worked well but it suddenly stopped beacon and witness after 5:19pm. Use Bobcat Diagnoser to diagnose your Bobcatminer. Dont resync it again and again, every time you do that, it will take some time to come back. Since there are too many requests, Helium changed the API to ban some requests. Always operate in a zero-trust manner with cryptocurrency and assume everyone will scam you no matter what. Who's going? Basically in this case, your miner should be relayed or behind a strict firewall. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. that. No activity for 18 days then it suddenly picks up, why? If you want to scan your hotspot again, use the provided pin to press the 'BT Button' on the back of the hotspot. In the next several days, I totally lost all witnesses and all beacons were 0. If its RED, restart the Miner. how long does it take for them to push the update throught to your hotspot when filling out that form. 6 comments 67% Upvoted This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Sort by: best level 1 Today they all finally were able to update to v1.0.2.80. The most current firmware version is The newest version will self update to the latest firmware automatically. What color should the LED light be when it's working normally? , Please see detailed instruction: later: (Android may require a separate app for If its a message in your Diagnoser and the light is RED/YELLOW and your miner has started longer than 1 hour. please try again in a few minutes. Had yellow light and needs attention for about an hour. I have the same issue how can we change the p2p ?? information regarding your arrangement or rewards, as Helium is not involved. 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