22. me You must be a Romilda nine, Vicky zero, she chuckled to herself. Over the next few weeks Hogwarts actually became the safest place in the UK, while every pureblood and Half-Blood with the Dark Mark gets gun down. Arrogant and bigoted bullies, just like the Dursleys; we may be in the same house, but you are acquaintances, nothing more, nothing less. He turned, and for the first time that Hermione could remember, he hugged her. Romilda got to her feet, and frowned as Granger moved out as well. In this particular Harry Potterfanfiction, not only do Hermione and Draco have to share a common room as school Heads, but here, our buddy Draco has Amnesia. Dobby x Master Potter smut . I do love her, so I help as much as I can.. Im sorry, I didnt mean--, Hey, hey, its okay. It wasodd. I, myself, am going to have to stand down from the I.C.W. Losers., Hermione giggled, and then looked up as Harry entered. He didnt do it, the Slytherin girl said quietly, as they headed away. It took five minutes for all his kids to be sat in rows in front of him. disturbing reference to Petunia Dursley's laundry. So, of course, would be the reason he left Sirius in Azkaban. Here, theres art; there are canon-based stories and stories that feature queer and neurodiverse characters. See you tomorrow.. A bull in a china shop is an analogy, not a guide line, Romilda recited with some irritation. All the officials involved have sworn vows of honesty. He could barely focus on the present moment, everything in him spiraling yet desperately grappling for control. The Sorting Hat wanted to put me in Slytherin, but Id already met Malfoy, so I begged it not to!, A Slytherin, in Gryffindor, Astoria muttered. Im better than you in academics.. , but still, it was his Are you okay getting back on your own, Astoria? Harry asked. Nominated for a bunch of fanfiction awards when it came out, this story is long and hard and somehow sweet. He slowly pushed himself onto his knees, unwilling and unable to stand up all the way. In Which Harry Doesn't Know How to Deal With Ad Harry, Ron, and Hermione do some investigating. Okay, Tori found out that Malfoys paid someone to create badges that say Support Cedric Diggory and then Potter stinks., Romilda laughed. He felt his magic bubbling under his skin and knew that things around the room were beginning to shake. For the first time, she felt like the portrait was judging her, and finding her wanting. linkffn(4905771), Personally I love the oneshot Soulbond because of the heartbreaking way it shows the emotions of the characters. Turn sees Harry living a not-quite-HEA with Ginny and the Kids, and after a surprising evening, waking up to see what one different choice might have changed. Love is not handed out freely. Sorry this chapter took so long to get out, I had a super busy week and then was under the weather. This investigation will be public, and completely transparent.. This takes place in the setting of the Deathly Hallows for Harry and right after "Skyfall" for Bond. Im afraid that the I.C.W. Follow along as Harry finds his place in the wizarding world, gets friends and mentors youd never expect, and finds love in an unlikely place. Neither of them touched him, nor got too close, both well aware of how jumpy he could be. Nothing happened. Harry knew he was spiraling. You know, we need to find a way of disabling Malfoys perfume, just on principle., Yeah, Hermione agreed. Dumbledore, Harry sighed, spinning the book he was reading and pointing to the section describing the Chief Warlock. No, you youre the Gryffindor! Astoria said back with her own little giggle. ( deathly hallows ) Harry didnt say anything; he just looked down, and looked defeated. Please visit my Prompt Survey to suggest prompts or story ideas! The common room filled rapidly and everyone was still talking about Harry and what a prat he was. Which isnt difficult, Astoria added with a small grin, because Ive seen more cunning bird poop than that lot.. She looked apologetic. Why have self-esteem when you can be mentally i Albus almost smiled at the expressions on the three in front of him, and would have, if he didnt feel such overwhelming guilt himself. wrong X-Men is owned by Stan Lee, Marvel Entertainment, and 20th Century Fox. Carty?, The House-elf appeared. Hermione looked at him sharply; she hadnt expected him to say anything. Dumbledore seems to be invested in, that he purposefully left at the Dursleys, and lied to, and manipulated others around. Waiting. Hermione nodded, looking him over worriedly before looking down and reading the passage. Let him go, Astoria mouthed, we dont want him to freak out!. Follow the life of the daughter of the forgotten about Black brother. A Gryffindor, good at potions? All of it. #1 in ronxreader Romilda felt like she was at a tennis match, as she turned to look at each of them in turn. I know. Harry, Ron, and Hermione shared a glance. So, yeah, anyway, weve gone off on a tangent again. investigation can be employed by Hogwarts., Lucius eyes flashed, before he nodded. Never Mess with a Werewolf's Cub (Or Moony is H He framed Sirius, and turned into his Animagus form, a rat, and escaped. Fred and George taught it to me. Thanks!! He sighed, and picked up the bag, and headed out. Can be any ship so long as its Harry centric, would prefer no slash but so long as it's written well I'll read it. Dobby nodded hard. 26. My father is the best-looking man Ive ever seen, but hes not the brightest torch on the wall. 20. Who Knew so Much Could Happen at the Bank? The other House-elves quietened down. Theyre either mad or ashamed, Hermione said with a shrug. Yes, I have finished the next chapter of "Hogwarts' Dawn" and I have sent it to beta. In five books, the alternatively titled. One with vibrant purple robes decorated with golden stars and moons. Because things can never be normal, and Malfoy always seems to be involved. Hermione, Queen of Witches is an Old School fanfic from the active days of Sugar Quills. If they had just kept their distance, they would have been safe, they would have been okay. Are you a wizard?, Do you want to survive this tournament?. Shall we head out?, Mr Potter, Dumbledore called. And then, one day, he blacks out and everything changes. by Bex-Chan. At least with McGonagall she had some idea of what she was getting into, taking him in, and he could easily just stay at the castle when she was there and make himself scarce so he wouldnt be a bother and so she couldnt hurt him. She was well aware that it made certain parts bounce around as well. Hermione nodded, satisfied. I can do a gypsy curse for betrayal its really, really nasty!, No, Miss Greengrass, Miss Vane, its just that I was going to ask Mr Potter about the House-elves. He popped immediately to the room that the wards reported, to find no one there. Romilda took a deep breath and calmed down. 25. Its disgusting, Harry said, his eyes flashing. Thats genius. I've read a lot of fanfics that portrays a really good bond between Kreacher or Dobby, sometimes both with Harry. and productive than it might have otherwise been. Okay, this has been fun, but curfew is in a few minutes. I dont know how those wards work, she admitted in a small voice. In the Hogwarts kitchen, there was something of a party going on. All of it could have been avoided if she had just asked Harry if hed put his name in. We can use the map to check if he is in the Gryffindor common room. That is being for later. She said the password and took the couch nearest the exit. my With a few flicks and jabs, he called out the truth charm. Once hes transformed, we can bind him and then call for Aurors. The History of Moony (and the Marauders) The number of hands that slowly went up broke his heart. McGonagall opened her mouth to say something, but Remus cut her off. Then Luna tries to visit Harry, then Katie, then Fleur, then LisaPost-OotP. Lucius shook his head urgently. by silhouetteddevil. Ron and Hermione started to follow, but stopped when Harry took a step and immediately swayed in place. Harry and Hermione are forced to face some naked truths when they are asked to pose for a magical portrait. Bugger. Your Mileage May Vary. Sort by: Hot. The House-elf that assisted him the most appeared. This all revolves around me, doesnt it? Ears of a puma, that one, Romilda said proudly. Surely he would realize he was in over his head after Harry, Ron, and Hermione had talked to him about their first two years at Hogwarts. What? Lucius asked, his head snapping up. As for the House issue, why, the Ravenclaws are bullies and made a decision without bothering to find out facts, the Hufflepuffs showed that they are only just and loyal to themselves, and dont particularly care about honesty, probity, and character, and as for the Slytherins, they have to hide behind Professor Snape to even get close to winning the House Cup, which is hardly cunning and ambitious. Traditionally, Astoria added, the first two tasks are recovering something from an animal or a location. Warning: its a WIP. Heads of the government, for example, were elected positions. Hi!, We dont believe Harry entered himself, Romilda announced, and as the rest of the school seems to have contracted a simultaneous case of hopefully terminal stupidity, we thought wed come and help Harry., Oh, thats good. Hermione looked at Harry, and sighed. Any further squabbling was stopped as Harry chuckled. Ill let it slide this time, but dont do it again.. Why are we being served gruel?, Cully smiled happily. Hed showered, and had his robes draped over his arm. Merlin, you people suck, Romilda said loudly. Yup. Started before the release of. Now, Minister, you were saying?, Fudge swallowed. Was he convinced that Sirius was guilty or did he-did henot want Sirius free for some reason? Not sure what kind of fanfiction reader you are? Dumbledore gulped. Faa uma pequena ficha com as informaes bsicas de seu personagem e de sua histria, e eu farei uma . It always seemed a little suspect, and the way Harry said his name combined with the rumours about last year, and well, it was suddenly obvious. They both turned to look at Harry, who was looking at them in disbelief. He was near hyperventilating now, he was sure, and he was quickly losing his fragile grasp on his magic. Sure, youre stuck in a stupid tournament, sure, you dont want to be here, and sure someones trying to kill you, but hidings hardly going to solve the problem, is it?, Romi, Astoria sighed, flying at a beast is an acceptable way of dealing with a situation. A Harry and Hermione love and war story. Pomphrey cant get rid of that.. This all revolves around me, doesnt it? One Slytherin had tried to take good food from a third year Ravenclaw, only for a House-elf to appear, tell him that bullying was bad, and transfigure his robes into a coal sack without sleeves or trouser legs. He wasnt hanging around for the I.C.W. Ron and Hermione had given up trying to make him stop moving and instead were sitting nearby in comforting silence. Oh God, Not Again! Professor Sprout, he said in a low voice. But when you do come across a beautifully thought out and fleshed out one-shot what if story about a family that might have been, you make sure everyone you know reads it. There was also the fact that he was one of the few males in the school who understood the importance of regular bathing. Tori gave a slight cheer at her nickname being used. Harry James Potter, Hermione said crossly. The wizards are reading the Percy Jackson serie. She still didnt know why she hadnt stopped the badges this morning. What I find really curious, is that your head of house hasnt even tried to defend you, she said to Harry. Daphs nice, but Father showed her how to act, and thats how she stays. Hermione opened her mouth, and then closed it and shrugged. Potters Against the World by Temporal Knight. And youre the muscle, Astoria retorted. Not to mention a schoolful of children who had just discovered they could ditch their houses. Right, the other House-elves shouted back. What is going on, Dumbledore? Fudge demanded as he entered the office with Lucius Malfoy and his undersecretary. Dobby shook his head shyly. He wasnt hanging around in Hogwarts. NotDead! At Gryffindor, wed average a teacher poking her head into the common room once a month. He smiled. Romilda wasnt quite sure what the smile meant. Hes the only one that usually interacts with Scabbers, anyone else would be suspicious. When you ask anyone whos been in fandom recently about Dramione, even if they dont read it, they probably know about Isolation by Bex-Chan. 446 Stories. It should also be noted that these Harry Potterfanfiction readsare obviously not going to be objective choices. But they hadnt, and she hadnt, and afterwards she hadnt stood up for him. Live? Well, he smells, almost as badly as Malfoy, Romilda said. Romilda looked up at the Professors table, to see McGonagall with a hand over her heart, and a distraught look on her face. So is agreed, we is telling wizards we doesnt need wizards?, But, Cully continued. Remuss eyes widened. Dobby helps out, and Harry and Hermione end up doing Obviously you trust him completely, otherwise you would not have brought him inside near Harry. Note: There is a mention of a panic attack in this chapter. OT3. Its normally seen in bad taste, and generally frowned upon, most people wouldnt even mention it, because half a pint is a lot of blood, but its not illegal. Yeah, I suppose, Harry agreed reluctantly, fidgeting with his hands and shifting foot to foot while he did so. Now you dont have to wear a S.P.E.W. Romilda almost choked on the egg shed just taken a bite of. Harry couldnt focus on them though, unable to draw the air to keep speaking, his thoughts spiraled instead, and he had to focus more and more energy on keeping his magic, before it exploded out of him and maybe hurt his friends or someone else. Father in heart and soul and everything but blood. He could grab him and claim that hes bringing him to Hagrid for a check up, as hes been under the weather. Of course I do, especially when you act like the ignorant cow you are, Romilda replied sweetly. I think Romilda is right. And the beginning of the years of prosperity. But, the good thing was that she had seen the look on Harrys face before, when Romilda had been protected by her brother. Signed by you, I believe, that states that no one under I.C.W. Luan Mao challenges what I write in such a way that it improves every chapter massively. Maybe it was both. They had been dragged into all of this, they had been dragged into event after event all. The excitable House-elf appeared instantly. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He blinked again and the faces came into complete focus. As everyone gasped in horror or outrage, Romilda was watching Harrys eyes. He will teach his son, the most worthy of a pair. Includes jealous Harry and punishing Draco. Harry reached out for another piece of toast, and spread some butter and jam oven it. Before he could get too deep into investigating the map--and beginning to wonder how his father and friends had made it work and whether or not he could replicate it in order to give a new copy to Fred and George as a thank you--Ron and Hermione were dragging him off to the hospital wing under claims that he needed to take care of himself first, honestly Harry. Potter! Snape yelled, What have you done!. I, Harry James Potter, hereby renounce my claim to Gryffindor House, on the grounds that the Head of House condones bullying and that the students are cowards. The Gryffindor colours vanished from his robes. Their procession had just rounded the corner to the main hall, when a new figure appeared. He entered, and saw the Ravenclaws gathered around desks and on couches, as normal. Essentially, Peter Pettigrew was the Secret Keeper, as we already knew, and he faked his death. Shed peeked in already, to see him in a corner, hunched over, and desperately paging through an ancient-looking tome. Sign up for our Book Deals newsletter and get up to 80% off books you actually want to read. Meet Harry James Potter, an underestimated teen, raised 'I really need somebody to call my own, I wanna be somebody to someone.' Why else would all this happen? Before, she had been torn, not wanting to lose either of her two friends; now she wasnt. Erm., I kinda allowed some House-elves to use my power last night, like Dobby., Harry shrugged. Sorry, I didnt mean to insult your sister., Heh, Astoria giggled. or Then yeah, tell em to knock themselves out, Harry yawned, as he turned over and went back to sleep. Look, not only is he Harry, hes the Harry Potter. Harry looked surprised. Yeah, I know, Daph, Astoria said softly, you dont like to rock the boat. Not that he thought she would butbetter safe than sorry. Of course, theres even more fun stuff. wrong By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Ron snorted from beside Harry and pulled out his dictaquill so he could talk out his notes rather than writing them down. Half-Desi Harry. The days passed slowly since Harry came home from trial and reported that Albus Dumbledore had been found guilty of everything and sentenced to the rest of his life in Azkaban prison and shackled with the cuffs that blocked magical power. The noise level was huge, before one House-elf floated up to the ceiling, stopping just short. And in return for the magic, they would work as hard as they could for the providers. There is nothing important plot wise within the marked area, just Harry spiraling a bit (poor bean). Turned into a vampire at fifteen was not something Harry Potter needed in his already very crazy life, and worse that the one who turned him isn't around to guide his way. looks very poorly on a country that uses a cursed object to enslave a witch from France and a famous wizard from Bulgaria.. Harry mimicked him until he felt his heart rate slow, then he pulled back sheepishly. many You alright there, Harry? And he doesnt know how to talk to girls., So yes, Romilda said and giggled. What if Potter didnt put his name in?, It occurs to me, Pomona replied, that either Mr Potter is clever enough to bypass Professor Dumbledores protections, with no one knowing, or he is innocent. She felt her stomach clench. , dumbledore called on your own, Astoria said softly, you were saying? do... Robes decorated with golden stars and moons been avoided if she had just rounded the corner to the hall. Zero, she had been torn, not a guide line, said... 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