margin-bottom: 1px; Courts do not determine public policy; the General Assembly sets public policy in its legislation. Copyright 2023 North Carolina Bar Association. Heres how it will be filled. It has helped push us forward on some of the other changes that would be good to have, and not just for this court. .widget-row.heading { } .outer_percentage { Judge How does that impact your judicial approach? She won in the general election on November 8, 2022. margin: 0; State and local courts | Justice Antonin Scalia is one of my judicial heroes. Certainly the Bar Association has been helpful in my work and for our Court. a[aria-expanded=false] .fa-chevron-down { display: none; } .widget-row.Democratic { Those are some of the chief judges duties that I knew about coming into this role. Source. $('.showResponses').hide(); It is hard to quantify, but I cannot imagine learning to be a good lawyer without sitting there in court and watching. } width: 43%; And the same would apply to attorneys who practice transactional law and never go to court those new attorneys also have much less opportunity to interact with and learn from others. To view Stroud's endorsements in the 2022 election, please click here. padding-bottom: 0px; Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. Will a warm February mean a brutal spring or summer? $(".collapse-all").on('click', () => { The way it has worked in the past at the Court of Appeals is normally we have one or two new judges, and we dont have a formal training program. .non_result_row { I think those are going to be the most terrible situations as children come back to where they can be seen by doctors and teachers and we try to deal with those abuse and neglect cases. Get the latest on Chief Judge Donna Strouds re-election campaign. background-color: #dac113; conducted the presentation to the Court, and North Carolina Court of Appeals Chief Judge Donna Stroud administered the oath of office. width: 250px; I also talked to Chief Justice Newby, and he was in agreement with that appointment, and then he swore me in on January 1st. The Bar Association gives us an opportunity to hear from people from all over the state. I went to my first meeting of the Chief Justices Commission on Professionalism yesterday, and Chief Justice Newby was talking about the issues the commission is looking at and things the court is looking at. She assumed office in 2017. font-weight: bold; .votebox-results-metadata-p { } } ul.key-messages {list-style-type: none; margin-left:10px; } text-align: left !important; color: white; let item = jQuery('.votebox .indicate_scroll').get(index); She began serving as Chief Judge as of January 2021. left: 0px; What is your primary concern about today's legal system in your state? 2022 North Carolina Appeals Court Judge Seat 11 Election Results Incumbent Republican Chief Judge Donna Stroud was elected to Seat 9. Beasley appointed Stroud in the final days of 2020, and Newby affirmed the choice after his election. } .widget-key { each party holds two seats with three incumbents (Republicans Donna Stroud and John Tyson and Democrat Darren Jackson) seeking reelection. If the county board does not select someone by the deadline, the decision falls to the clerk of Superior Court. Research: Josh Altic Vojsava Ramaj She is a graduate of Campbell University, summa cum laude, with a BA in Government in 1985, and a graduate of the Campbell University School of Law, with a J.D. Chief Justice Beasley reached out to me in December. } } But a photograph of the chief justice standing next to Freshwater Smith is featured prominently in an ad posted on her campaign Facebook page. Contact him at or (919) 836-2858. strong ties to the Republican State Leadership Committee. Stroud, a registered Republican and former Wake County district judge, has served on the court since 2007. I have been honored to serve on the Court of Appeals for over 15 years since my first election in 2006. For example, I am also Chair of the Chief Justices Rules Advisory Committee, and we have been working on rule changes needed for e-filing for a couple of years. Stroud. color: white; . I am also on the Family Court Advisory Commission, and I was a Family Court judge. background-color: #f9f9f9; In 2014, Chief Judge Stroud graduated from Duke Universitys School of Law LL.M. Michael Stading - NC Court of Appeals; Donna Stroud - NC Court of Appeals; Trey Allen - NC Supreme Court; Richard Hudson - US House of Representatives; Ted Budd - US Senate; Links. margin-bottom: .75em; At some point the new statewide electronic filing system is going to extend to the appellate courts. NC Court of Appeals Judge - Seat 10 John M. Tyson Gale Murray Adams. We just had to put the information together about the judges and get everyone organized to do the presentation smoothly. N.C. Court of Appeals Chief Judge Donna Stroud said the state Court of Appeals hears a wide variety of cases that are appealed from trial courts. padding-left: 0; .hideResponses { display: none;} font-weight: bold; .results_row td:first-child { display: inline-block; (function() { This system will improve access to the courts and increase transparency. display: inline-block; Bob Orr, a former Supreme Court justice and a former Republican, called the Stroud-Freshwater Smith primary really highly unusual because long-serving judges, particularly those in leadership positions, arent often challenged. The pandemic has highlighted the importance of providing the opportunity for electronic filing and for people to be able to access court information remotely, without having to take time off from work, drive to a courthouse, and take time to get the information they need or to file documents. border:1px solid #FFB81F; It's probably the most common answer, but it's true: the Bible. display: inline-block; $('.hideResponses').show(); The Bar Association helps keep us in touch with what attorneys are experiencing, especially now that they are working under new rules and procedures. } } } border: 1px solid #999; I hope to be re-elected to continue my work both deciding cases and improving the Court of Appeals, as well as assisting in improving the trial courts across the state. } Donna Stroud, NC Court of Appeals . Newby did not respond to a request for comment. text-align: center; padding-bottom: 8px; font-size: 0.9em; background-color: #f9d334; It was an unusual situation because we had two chief justices involved in my appointment. I have served as a judge on the Court of Appeals since I was first elected in 2006; I was re-elected without opposition in 2014, and I was appointed as Chief Judge as of January 2021. padding-left: 0; padding-left: 8px; Integrity. Jodie Berger, wife of the Supreme Court justice; John Bell, the state House majority leader; and George Cleveland, a longtime Republican legislator from Onslow County were among Freshwater Smiths earliest donors. In 2004, she was elected to the Wake County District Court (10th Judicial District), where she served until her election to the North Carolina Court of Appeals in 2006. We have to consider the complexity of the case backlog as well as the basic numbers. position: relative; Please try again later. I try to follow his example in his approach to cases as an originalist and textualist. I serve on several commissions and groups working on these issues. .votebox-covid-disclaimer { $('.collapse').collapse('hide'); Keep it Clean. For the Appeals Court (Seat 9), incumbent Donna Stroud faces a challenge in the GOP primary from Beth Freshwater Smith, with the winner facing Democrat Brad Salmon in the fall. background-color: grey; color:white; .contact_entity {font-size: 1.0em ;margin-top: 0.6em; margin-bottom: 0em; margin-right: 0.5em;} State executives | Our newest attorneys are not getting a chance to do that, and they are missing out on so much that is not really measurable . } margin-bottom:16px; } It is a very bittersweet time. max-height: 580px; Some came in person and some judges participated on video. I work hard and I am devoted to protecting the integrity of our courts and judicial independence. I have considered thousands of cases and written nearly 1300 opinions during my time on the court. background-color: #ccc; Name as it appears on the ballot: Donna Stroud, Occupation & employer:Chief Judge, NC Court of Appeals. Which judges, past or present, do you most admire? --subtitle-background: #334aab; Michael Stading is a judge of the North Carolina 26th Judicial District. Maintaining our collegiality is important and we have been talking about how to do that, especially in the current environment. Nine-in-ten (87 percent) primary voters are undecided in the Court of Appeals race between Donna Stroud (8 percent) and Beth Freshwater Smith (4 percent). Public financing did dramatically reduce contributions from attorneys who appear before the courts and from special interest groups. Support independent local journalism. Generally all of the judges would be involved it would have taken a lot of time for everyone. We were trying to figure out where we could do my swearing in because Chief Justice Newby had to go there and then several other places. How to vote | padding-top: 3px; vertical-align: top; My opponent has no appellate court experience, whether as a law clerk, an attorney practicing before the North Carolina appellate courts, or as a judge. .widget-row.Independent, .widget-row.Nonpartisan, .widget-row.Constitution { With support from several of North Carolina's most powerful legislators, Freshwater Smith is running against Donna Stroud, the current chief judge of the Court of Appeals, in a Republican primary. .votebox-results-cell--number { Chief Judge Donna S. Stroud has been formally invested as Chief Judge of the North Carolina Court of Appeals during a swearing-in ceremony. Normally the way it would happen, and the way it happened for me, is that you would run down the hall and talk to people, ask questions, and learn from everybody here. Chief Judge Stroud is a fair & experienced Court of Appeals Judge, first elected in 2006. Donna Stroud ( Republican Party) is a judge of the North Carolina Court of Appeals. I am a Republican, but party affiliation has no role in my work in deciding cases. position: absolute; color: #888; Chief Judge Stroud Chief Judge Donna Stroud is running for re-election to continue her work enforcing the law as written, upholding the Constitutions of the United States and North Carolina, and ensuring every person in every case is treated fairly. One of the things I was thinking about during the orientation with new judges was with remote proceedings, I worry about the socialization and the education of new attorneys. It will also provide data which will allow more detailed analysis of the work of the trial courts; this will allow better utilization of personnel and assets and will help us determine areas where we can make improvements. Chief Judge Donna Stroud has been elected as a judge on the North Carolina Court of Appeals, filling Seat 09, against her opponent Brad Salmon winning 54.60% of the vote. The West is wilder than it was, Drennan said. I served as a District Court judge in Wake County from 2004-2006 and practiced law from 1988 until 2004. width: 100%; No judge has ever asked me that. So he checked and came back and said Yes, we can do that. He took my laptop, installed some software, but when I got it back nothing was saved. width: 250px; } background-color: #f4f4f4; Counties | I represented individuals, businesses, and towns in many types of cases, civil and criminal, in many different counties and courts. Chief Judge Donna Stroud (Court of Appeals) Dr. Julee Flood (Court of Appeals) Judge Beth Freshwater Smith (Court of Appeals) Other candidates pending invitations. At some point we will be having arguments in person again; I dont know when but it will happen. margin-top: 1px; NC Court of Appeals Judge - Seat 9 Brad A. Salmon Donna Stroud. A native of Kinston, she is a graduate of Campbell University (B.A. Experience matters. About $13,000 of the PACs money was spent on direct mail supporting Freshwater Smith, the most recent campaign finance reports show. background-color: #f9d334; background-color: #f9f9f9; When you first start practicing law, you learn by siting in the courtroom and waiting. We are looking at what we have learned, especially in the past year, and where we can improve things. } Both Blaine and Larry Shaheen, the PACs treasurer, declined to comment on the record. 100% remote. True Conservative Judges has so far piped at least $105,000 to The Differentiators, the firm run by Jim Blaine, the elder Bergers former chief of staff. By. Republican incumbent and North Carolina native Stroud has served on the North Carolina Court of Appeals since 2006. .widget-row.Green { This story was originally published May 14, 2022, 9:00 AM. font-size: .9em; Public policy. I am fortunate that we have around and available for consultation several prior chief judges. Judge Stroud is a fair & experienced Court of Appeals Chief Judge running to ensure our state courts enforce laws as. House Bill 239 was debated at a Senate judiciary committee meeting Wednesday. That is probably true. Our judges presented on different topics; it was basically a CJE (continuing judicial education) for our new judges, but I think we all learned a lot. Donate Re-Elect Chief Judge Stroud Judge Stroud 2022-10-08T21:51:03+00:00 Law & People. } We have some of our judges who are very tech savvy Judge Dietz is definitely our leader in that regard. (Ret.) Then and now, Chief Judge Donna Stroud and the plaque she received for winning the first Law Day Essay Contest in 1982. Fortunately we had the example to follow from the Supreme Courts online investitures. The ad posted on the groups Facebook page calls Stroud a RINO, short for Republican in name only, and The Liberal Choice for the Court of Appeals., In a now-deleted Facebook comment responding to the ad, Ray Daly, a Moore County home builder, wrote, Thanks Justice Berger, Ill send it out!. .widget-row.value-only { The more I think about it, there was so much you could learn just sitting there for 15 minutes, and you can also talk to attorneys or ask the clerk about something. display: block; Ive been a prosecutor, so have that perspective. } Newby is prohibited by the rules that govern the behavior of North Carolina judges from overtly declaring his support. } Republican incumbent Chief Justice Donna Stroud is seeking reelection to the NC Court of Appeals. Her current term ends on January 1, 2031. He was elected in 2020 to succeed Mark Meadows,. She was born and raised in Kinston, NC, and attended Campbell University. I had (former Clerk of Court) Frank Dail next door to my office and he knew everything there was to know about the Court of Appeals. She was born and raised in Kinston, NC, and attended Campbell University School of Law, graduating first in her class in 1988. In the future I believe remote arguments will remain as an option. Our emergency rooms, the medical ones and the legal ones, have to work to triage the cases coming in and to deal with them as soon as possible. We know that abuse is going on, and if children were in school or participating in usual activities, someone may notice a problem. 0 } The Court of Appeals is an error-correcting court; this means that we review cases appealed from the trial courts and administrative agencies to determine if any legal error was made. Chief Judge Donna Stroud (left) takes the oath of office while her husband holds the Bible. The Kinston native earned her Juris Doctor from Campbell Law School. width: 350px; .infobox { This court has always been very fortunate to have great judges who always work really well together. But I can address my own experience and objective information about public financing. Chief Judge Donna Stroud enjoys the distinction of being designated by two chief justices. I believe our court was the first in the nation to have e-filing, so we were cutting-edge in the 1990s, but we did not expand it. padding-bottom: 7px; This is an advanced law degree especially for judges. SELMA, N.C. Former president Donald Trump announced Friday that he would be holding a . let scrollHeight = jQuery('.results_table_container').get(index).scrollHeight; Judge Stroud currently serves as Chief Judge on the North Carolina Court of Appeals. She served as a district court judge before being elected to the Court of Appeals in 2006 and was later reelected without opposition. Is there a particular judge, past or present, whom you admire? North Carolina Court of Appeals Judges Biographies. .results_table_container { You could watch other cases online but you cannot bill hours for that, so attorneys are losing that opportunity to learn. Chief Justice Newby wants to help this court in any way he can. float: left; For example, if we have bad weather, snow and ice, if attorneys want to argue and they want to do it remotely, it is a good option to get their case heard. width: 35px !important; .large-date { text-align: center; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 20px; font-size: 20px; font-weight: 600;} .inner_percentage.Republican { Box 10103, Raleigh, NC 27605. RALEIGH, N.C. North Carolina Supreme Court Justice Phil Berger Jr. and four other elected officials may have violated state election laws by donating to a political action committee. What are the main points you want voters to remember about your goals for your time in office? Both of the chiefs I served with, John Martin and Linda McGee, were extremely encouraging and so helpful. var nTimer = setInterval(function() { Working as Chief Judge has been challenging and more fun than I would have anticipated. setTimeout(function() { defer() }, 500); } overflow-x: scroll; You cannot be everywhere at once, so I went to Carteret County to join in that event and be sworn in as Chief Judge. Smith has been a District Court Judge since. It was after the election when the results were still undetermined, and we didnt really know what was going to happen or when. She then joined the firm Gay, Stroud & Jackson, LLP in 1995. .inner_percentage.Libertarian { $('.pastResponses').show(); } font-size: 16px; The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by Stroud's responses. Maggie Brown. Outgoing Supreme Court Chief Justice . Chief Justice Beasley let me know that she would be appointing me as chief judge. Fortunately, during the pandemic, the Court of Appeals was able to continue holding sessions of court by WebEx and issuing its opinions without any shutdown or delay, but the trial courts have faced great challenges. We are a statewide court, with some judges farther east and some judges farther west, so it is not a new thing for our judges to do writing and research remotely, although most of our judges who live outside this area have typically spent a substantial part of their time in chambers in Raleigh. It was a very good session. } text-align: center; Tech: Matt Latourelle Nathan Bingham Ryan Burch Kirsten Corrao Beth Dellea Travis Eden Tate Kamish Margaret Kearney Eric Lotto Joseph Sanchez, What's on my ballot? Friday, September 23, 2022, by Chief Judge Donna Stroud. Chief Judge Donna Strouds long-time service, deep-seated experience, and judicial soul make her an excellent servant on the appellate court. background-color: #db0000; Director, NCBA External Affairs and Communications, Report on Relationships Between the NCBA and Systemic Racism, Chief Judge Donna Stroud Leading N.C. Court of Appeals. For judges nowadays, pretty much everyone is used to using a computer and doing things remotely. Stroud completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2022. .race_header.democratic { External Relations: Moira Delaney Hannah Nelson Caroline Presnell $('.pastResponses').hide(); There was an error trying to send your message. It is crucial to keep experienced judges on the court. The longer it goes on the more issues remote proceedings raise. { In addition to offering a formal endorsement, he has given at least one speech at a political event as her proxy. ), Campbell Law School (J.D.) Donations may be made online at, or mailed to P.O. WELLSVILLE - William F. Davis, 83, passed away on Wednesday (February 22, 2023) at Maple City Rehabilitation and Nursing Center following a lengthy illness. The legislature is the branch of government that is to make law, and the judiciary has to ensure that the laws are carried out, and I think thats why both areas are, you know, interested in each other, she said. div.survey-scrollbox { height:400px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } } After 16 years in private practice she became a District Court judge in Wake County. Before taking her oath of office, Chief Judge Stroud was the senior member of the Court of Appeals. padding-bottom: 5px; The complex cases that will take more court time are building up, so where you might have one or two big felony cases, now you might have three to four times as many, and those are going to have to work their way through the system.
} Donna Stroud takes oath and becomes Chief Judge of the North Carolina Court of Appeals NC Political News Subscribe to our FREE daily newsletter. .results_row { } .results_row td { PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. I think thats obvious by the folks that have endorsed me, she told The News & Observer in an interview Thursday. And yes, I have been pushing for increasing the courts move into the digital world for a long time. Incumbents are bolded and underlined. Note: Ballotpedia reserves the right to edit Candidate Connection survey responses. If the candidate disagrees with an edit, he or she may request the full removal of the survey response from text-align: center; Stroud cited arch-conservative former U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms as her political hero when she first ran for judicial office in 2004. We went over our procedures and how we do things opinion writing and the ways we manage chambers, especially now that we have the in-person model and the remote model. } Russell Rawlings is director of external affairs and communications for the North Carolina Bar Association. I have worked directly with nearly 50 other judges during my time on the Court of Appeals, and I have worked with and appeared before hundreds of others at either the trial court level or appellate level. letter-spacing: .03em; She is a graduate of Campbell University, summa cum laude, with a BA in Government in 1985, and a graduate of the Campbell University School of Law, with a Writing for the panel, Court of Appeals Chief Judge Chris Donna Stroud said the plaintiffs adequately alleged the existence of an implied contract, which can waive such immunity. font-weight: 300; I have spent almost half of my 34 years as an attorney working in the trial court every day, either as a practicing attorney or a judge, and the other half as a judge on the Court of Appeals. What do you consider the greatest opportunity for the legal system in your state? padding-bottom: 8px; } } margin-right: 10px; 5 people want to be the next Orange County commissioner. Court of Appeals judges determine whether trial court judges have made legal errors. Freshwater Smith ( Republican Party) ran for election for judge of the North Carolina Court of Appeals. Govern the behavior of North Carolina Appeals Court Judge Seat 11 election Results incumbent Republican Chief Judge Stroud is reelection... And raised in Kinston, she is a fair & experienced Court of Judge! Family Court Judge Seat 11 election Results incumbent Republican Chief Judge Donna Strouds re-election campaign and donate! Each party holds two seats with three incumbents ( Republicans Donna Stroud ( left ) takes oath... The Candidate disagrees with an edit, he has given at least one speech a! Stroud was the senior member of the Court of Appeals the Bible person. Was the senior member of the judges would be appointing me as Chief Judge Donna Stroud in my work for... The basic numbers Re-Elect Chief Judge Stroud was the senior member of the North Carolina Bar Association gives us opportunity. 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