As such, DoIT does not guarantee and does not accept responsibility for, the accuracy, reliability, or performance of this service nor the limitations provided by this service, such as the inability to translate specific files like PDFs and graphics (e.g. /CA 1 The first southbound trip from Blue Heron and Broadway will now leave at 6:15 am. 0000551914 00000 n
ZyF{2eISfO4U.-,7z|T_ x
0 0O fraud hotline to receive allegations of
La funcin del Traductor Google es proporcionada solamente para propsitos informativos. All DoIT content is filtered through Google Translate which may result in unexpected and unpredictable degradation of portions of text, images and the general appearance on translated pages. /OP true Operating days this week: everyday. Phone: (215) 580-7800 Route 62 On Sunday, service will now start 1 hour earlier. 0000012029 00000 n
0000007953 00000 n
0000003198 00000 n
Route 91 Frequency has been improved to every 60 minutes. >> Estas polticas no son controladas por el DoIT y no estn asociadas con las polticas de privacidad y uso del DoIT. 4:55 PM. DoIT uses Google Translate to provide language translations of its content. /Type/ExtGState , Muni Owl Service - Late Night Transportation, Muni Weekend Early Morning Metro Bus Service, West Portal Ave & Sloat Blvd (St Francis Cir). Refresh Icon. All Rights Reserved, Route 1 now travels on US 1 between Northlake Blvd, and the Gardens Mall. ]VB5ax`%!o0!amLyHLp"0_dGF Weekday: To Downtown P.M. NApEg*MS3;ljh3*dvnFnheyPV$qI})9pQ9|er9>Mo$YK;ojc*Odv)[l`^r1hL
1f%\l0,Al 5&-V}E5RjL*#ulf)G! PaOR+\"LX\o9k{:1PS,!J1=\esok8L9N:*. Google Translate may maintain unique privacy and use policies. Service on Prosperity Farms, On Saturdays, a new southbound trip will leave the, Intermodal Center at 6:10 am. 0000017542 00000 n
resources. Google Translate is a third-party service and site users will be leaving DoIT to utilize translated content. HT]o0}P)6CU)]V,e
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#2 Route 21 now travels on Prosperity Farms Roadbetween Northlake Blvd and the Gardens Mall. Text Message. Enter and space open menus and escape closes them as well. The Unity Plaza was completed in October of 2016, Safety project with Muni improvements along this Vision Zero Corridor, Improving safety of all modes that travel along this corridor. Google Translate is a free, automated service that relies on data and technology to provide its translations. download all schedules in pdf - new effective 12/1/22 . Route 20 On weekdays, a new southbound trip will leave Northlake Blvd and Old Dixie Hwy at 9:33 PM. 0000007518 00000 n
<< See download files info to view Comma Separated Value (CSV) files. of Legislative Audits operates a toll-free
0000005359 00000 n
The following navigation utilizes arrow, enter, escape, and space bar key commands. 0000604961 00000 n
0000084061 00000 n
Metro Transit will make schedule and route adjustments to 31 MetroBus routes in Missouri and Illinois on Monday, March 13, as part of a quarterly service changes. 0000007359 00000 n
to provide constituents, businesses,
Fare Icon. Route 1 - Campbell Center. 5 0 obj 0000551626 00000 n
Waipahu Transit Center(433), OAHU TRANSIT SERVICES, INC. All rights reserved. a T T S eaver Rd Kuhina (#1076) eaver 101) ineyard H-1 (#740) Alapai To view the disclaimer, press down arrow until you hear the words view disclaimer and press enter. On Saturdays, a new southbound trip will leave the Intermodal Center at 6:10 am. All rights reserved. A new northbound trip will now leave Boynton Beach Blvdand Federal Hwy at 6:08 am. The route is suspended until further notice. 0000004725 00000 n
Todo el contenido del DoIT es filtrado a travs del Traductor Google lo que puede resultar en una degradacin inesperada o impredecible de porciones del texto, imgenes y la apariencia general de las pginas traducidas. Any individuals or parties that use DoIT content in translated form, whether by Google Translate or by any other translation services, do so at their own risk. Route 43 On weekdays, new eastbound trips will now leave the Wellington Mall at 5:33 am, 5:53 am, and 6:13 am. 0000011641 00000 n
absentee ballots hazardous waste d isposal student internships answer a traffic ticket. 0000007407 00000 n
All site visitors may choose to use alternate tools for their translation needs. 0000003607 00000 n
The 91 bus (Rt 91 Eastbound) has 62 stops departing from Us-441/Sr-7 @ Sandalfoot Blvd and ending in Palm Bch Plz at Main Admin Bldg. Also, one eastbound trip leaving Center/Nimitz at 115p will leave five minutes earlier at 110p. << )`0D`}1mX, [RD}hW?
o~8p0iaF~}58o~wkxNsZMw&Y{&nMfrd"RIv* DoIT provides Google Translate as an online tool for its users, but DoIT does not directly endorse the website or imply that it is the only solution available to users. Debido a que el Traductor Google es un sitio web externo, el DoIT no controla la calidad o exactitud del contenido traducido. Choose a stop below for real-time arrival predictions. /SMask/None Note that Sunday schedules apply on the following holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas (and/or on their dates of observance). DoIT is not liable for any loss or damages arising out of, or issues related to, the use of or reliance on translated content. MARC. 0000011502 00000 n
download the latest Acrobat Reader, If you know the route you want to
Service on Prosperity FarmsRoad will be provided by Route 21. 91 FORBES STREET CROSSTOWN Bus Schedule Effective August 22, 2021 SUNDAY SERVICE ROUTE KEY 91 FORBES ST-Buckland Hills 91 FORBES ST-Wethersfield Shops Route Wethersfield Shopping Ctr. Please Stand Up 5:08 Route 91 Loop . Promoting a healthier lifestyle through total wellness. customers, and stakeholders with
Philadelphia, PA 19107 /Type/ExtGState %PDF-1.4
0000552369 00000 n
There are no active or scheduled alerts at this time. 1 0 obj >> 4 0 obj
El Traductor Google es un servicio gratis y automatizado que se basa en datos y tecnologa para proporcionar sus traducciones. Some route maps & timetables were created in Acrobat 5.0
Line 91 Real Time Bus Tracker. endobj hb```b``a`c`| "@qakij&*M@E%: $`@[&=`\pA,!! c|G,w40`p Lqaxgoa*(Z AyPoZ3-`r NT@KrMW]TnpqOe@K*$.q}"$ax%U_>"Rt?3= hotline in the past has helped to eliminate
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<< Los usuarios deben consultar el contenido original en ingls en el sitio web del DoIT si tienen alguna pregunta acerca del contenido traducido. /TK true >> El DoIT usa el Traductor Google para proporcionar traducciones lingsticas de su contenido. 0000003437 00000 n
Email Us (602) 253-5000 or TTY (602) 251-2039 . Route 71 Weekday schedule adjustments to improve on-time performance. DoIT assumes no liability for any site visitors activities in connection with use of the Google Translate functionality or content. JAWS users should download and install Vocalizer Expressive voices. Weekday: To Ewa Beach Route 91 Destination Signs AM: 91 EXPRESS DOWNTOWN PM: 91 EXPRESS EWA BEACH Bold indicates PM service. Route 47 On Sunday, the last northbound and southbound trip will now leave Glades Health 20 minutes later toconnect with the last westbound Route 40. Route 091/040619 MAP NOT TO SCALE N Alicia 87 Medical Center Dr Rancho Viejo Cabot Forbes 90 Crown Valley 85 Camino Capistran . The State of Maryland pledges
On Sunday,a new eastbound trip will now leave Glades Health at 9:10 am. <<4FE8A8D7FE04E142A40D10FC84929F97>]/Prev 652217>>
/SMask/None 7 0 obj /AIS false JAWS users should download and install Vocalizer Expressive voices. Service description:
endobj PDF SCHEDULES Download Route 91 Schedule (PDF) SYSTEM MAP Download WS Transit System Map (PDF) MONDAY-FRIDAY TIME TABLE (JPG) Saturday Time Table. 0000004336 00000 n
/SMask/None !Q
f:jbA>`*C^#jE@rp25j1iG9aH'@V =fs: 91 near me. Como tal, el DoIT no garantiza y no acepta responsabilidad por la exactitud, confiabilidad o desempeo de este servicio o de las limitaciones proporcionadas por este servicio, tales como la inhabilidad de traducir archivos especficos como PDF y grficos (p.e. >> See schedule for full details. El DoIT no asume ninguna responsabilidad por las actividades de los visitantes del sitio en conexin con el uso de la funcionalidad o contenido del Traductor Google. Person walking icon. view bus schedules bid opportunities adult & aging services. /Type/ExtGState There are no changes to MetroLink service. /OPM 1 (Precise hours of service may vary depending on where along the route you are.). Local Bus & Light Rail 1-Day 1-Ride; Full Fare. 8 0 obj Route 13 - Centennial. route 91 - southbound stop numbers. 6 0 obj
91 bus time schedule overview for the upcoming week: Starts operating at 5:42 AM and ends at 7:42 PM. endstream
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Las traducciones no pueden ser garantizadas como exactas o sin la inclusin de lenguaje incorrecto o inapropiado. On Saturdays, a new southbound trip will leave theIntermodal Center at 6:10 am. /CA 1 63 0 obj
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Fglt68PX,{{ni8wZ1iv1K Try our Trip-Planning Tools and Popular Links for more travel resources. /CA 1 Administrative Offices 345 Sixth Ave, 3rd Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-566-5500 Downtown Service Center 623 Smithfield Street Pittsburgh, PA 15222 startxref
customers, and stakeholders with
We apologize for the inconvenience. Honolulu, HI 96819
The translated content is provided directly and dynamically by Google; DoIT has no direct control over the translated content as it appears using this tool. 0000566869 00000 n
TTY: 410.539.3497, National Human Trafficking Hotline - 24/7
0000542982 00000 n
0000023931 00000 n
0000000016 00000 n
/CA 1 0000604924 00000 n
% endobj Route 1 Route 1 now travels on US 1 between Northlake Blvdand the Gardens Mall. /AIS false TDD/TTY: (215) 580-7853. A bus service operated by First Leeds Map (tracking 5 buses) Pudsey Bus Station - Neville Rd Cartmell Drive Show all stops Cartmell Dr Halton Moor - Pudsey Bus Station Show all stops Timetable data from First Bus/Bus Open Data Service, 16 February 2023. from Blue Heron and Broadway will now leave at 6:15 am. Service Schedules Home Schedules and Maps Service Schedules Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request by contacting 1-866-668-3978. HWo~_"bK\rzqPd%,$9i~CJ;]MHCq|/o;&dfFYf0mT$t"+d&i^fO_[vx? 2023 Flower Show Weekend Extra Regional Rail Train Service, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, Serving Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties. El Departamento de Tecnologa de la Informacin de Maryland (DoIT, siglas en ingls) ofrece traducciones del contenido a travs del Traductor Google (Google Translate). /SMask/None H\n0EY6H"=H C}g(j |l;~DEy,};Az[M]pk6>Z 72>hqOJEoahjQuO
%zCtN4/c{P[6rr[.bl#>0m | Nd>d'cy/g> Rectangular Bus Icon Double Arrow Icon. Route 73 On Sunday, service will now start 1 hour earlier. 311 (Outside SF 415.701.2311; TTY 415.701.2323) Free language assistance / / Ayuda gratis con el idioma / / Tr gip Thng dch Min ph / Assistance linguistique gratuite / / / Libreng tulong para sa wikang Filipino / / , Copyright 2013-2023 San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA). 0000003901 00000 n
accessible and convenient, and
If you are unfamiliar with our
/OPM 1 See our copyright and trademark notices. Information reported to the
New northboundtrips have been added at 6:00 am, 7:53 am, 3:53 pm, and5:53 pm. /OPM 1 /Length 5805 Google Translate may maintain unique privacy and use policies. \0nVr5JO}hyq[(xMPN/Jb!See5*uik@jT(Di3{*_pQ}->QHkc7(w'P S
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nka>t\SA4fZymDd4>>~pM| Estas polticas no son controladas por el DoIT y no estn asociadas con las polticas de privacidad y uso del DoIT. truthful and transparent services. /OPM 1 The Maryland General Assemblys Office
Despus de seleccionar una opcin de traduccin, los usuarios sern notificados de que estn abandonando el sitio web del DoIT. friendly and courteous, timely and
Note: Effective 12/13/22, the weekday schedule has been modified. Copyright 2023 Palm Tran. Como tal, el DoIT no garantiza y no acepta responsabilidad por la exactitud, confiabilidad o desempeo de este servicio o de las limitaciones proporcionadas por este servicio, tales como la inhabilidad de traducir archivos especficos como PDF y grficos (p.e. Confidential. << 0000005087 00000 n
A new westboundtrip will now leave the Intermodal at 6:27 am. East Hartford Buckland Hills Timepoints 91 7:23 7:25 7:30 7:37 7:40 7:44 7:53 7:56 8:02 8:06 8:09 8:14 8:17 811 Middle Street
0000558248 00000 n
The translated content is provided directly and dynamically by Google; DoIT has no direct control over the translated content as it appears using this tool. 4 27
0000007294 00000 n
Despus de seleccionar una opcin de traduccin, los usuarios sern notificados de que estn abandonando el sitio web del DoIT. Transit Information Contact Center: 410.539.5000
/Type/ExtGState West Portal and Ulloa (West Portal Muni Metro station) via West Portal, Junipero Serra, Ocean, Geneva, Santos, Sunnydale, Hahn, Visitacion, Bayshore, 3rd Street, Evans, Mendell, Cargo, 3rd, 4th, Townsend, 3rd, Kearny, Sutter, Stockton, Columbus, North Point, Van Ness, Lombard, Richardson, Doyle Drive, Highway 1 (south), Park Presidio, Crossover, 19th Avenue, Crespi Circle, 19th Avenue to Holloway (San Francisco State University). /OP false responsive, accurate and consistent,
Additional weekday schedule adjustments made to improve on-time performance. 0000056380 00000 n
91 Austin Effective August 21, 2022 CTA Bike & Ride Bicycle racks are available on the front exteriors of CTA buses. 0000056930 00000 n
/CA 1 Mondawmin Metro Station Bay 7 (Drop-off Only) See download files info to view Comma Separated Value (CSV) files. 91 sb 8472 avd pico avd vista hermosa san clemente Find your route below (listed in numerical order) to view bus schedules. 0000005827 00000 n
x0_aL(x dEhb:"eBq!(b6`j('R#V>jT>Yo7oz(( vzr'i}!0vll2k2@o02sKO^^dfpI1G2>}bNAi!u>5 n~Lv}6lZ2+gfKXNMD so=W{r/nRRa$?ii9DF@)^pNtl9OaGpB.T_q>\IhiAGy:H[)wLD`u<9f_{_.b#%aqZo_LrSR#uZZQE_Cbp)|L^rP;"*RIfUa7w3ndmR#p0\&4:foOY9$a6a&glq\ y8gS?}% +4F* %_A8e_A>/o 95 Downtown - Roland Park. Route 88 Sunday schedule adjustments to improve on-time performance. Download the SEPTA App from the Apple Store, Download the Transit Watch App from the Apple Store. LIVE TRACK BUS 91 TRIP PLANNER VOICE DICTATION. See below for detailed schedule information and live data. 0000552300 00000 n
/BM/Normal DoIT assumes no liability for any site visitors activities in connection with use of the Google Translate functionality or content. We apologize for any inconvenience. >> /BM/Normal >> Louis, MO 63102, Schedule Effective Nov 28, 2022 - Mar 12, 2023, Use the arrows or swipe to see all major stops, certain fraudulent activities and protect
.jpgs, .gifs, etc.). Because Google Translate is an external website, DoIT does not control the quality or accuracy of translated content. VoiceOver and Narrator users should download the appropriate voices directly from Apple and Microsoft. The Maryland Department of Information Technology (DoIT) offers translations of the content through Google Translate. Chesterfield Mall Four Seasons Shopping Center Olive & Ballas Olive & Warson Olive & Hanley Delmar Loop Transit Center-4:47 am: 4:56 am: El DoIT no asume ninguna responsabilidad por las actividades de los visitantes del sitio en conexin con el uso de la funcionalidad o contenido del Traductor Google. Confidential. 0000005202 00000 n
The last westbound trip will now leave theWellington Mall at 6:30 pm to improve connections. 0000006080 00000 n
Google Translate is a third-party service and site users will be leaving DoIT to utilize translated content. 91 FORBES STREET CROSSTOWN Bus Schedule Effective May 19, 2019 FORBES STREET CROSSTOWN Bus Schedule Effective May 19, 2019 91 91 /CA 1 A new northbound trip will now leave Boynton Beach Blvd, and Federal Hwy at 6:08 am. The last southboundtrip from the Gardens Mall will now leave at 9:15 pm andend at US 1 and Lucerne Ave. Route 2 On weekdays, the 6:06 pm northbound trip will leave 5 minutes later to improve connections with Tri-Rail. of Legislative Audits operates a toll-free
91 - Halton Moor - Pudsey Bus Station. Download an offline PDF map and bus schedule for the 91 bus to take on your trip. /Type/ExtGState 91 3rd St/19th Avenue Owl PDF Schedule to SFSU Schedule to West Portal Stops/Description Inbound to SFSU Outbound to West Portal Description Choose a stop below for real-time arrival predictions. Racks accommodate two (2) bicycles at a time. The first southbound trip. Two westbound trips leaving Aloha/Makapuu at 1145a and 245p will leave five minutes earlier at 1140a and 240p. XY}(^{(ky ! 93 Towson - Hunt Valley. Tab will move on to the next part of the site rather than go through menu items. El contenido traducido es proporcionado directa y dinmicamente por Google; el DoIT no tiene control directo sobre el contenido traducido tal y como aparece utilizando esta herramienta. Hour earlier controla la calidad o exactitud del contenido traducido State of Maryland on! 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